Long Distance Relationships on the AT
My girlfriend Francis and I decided it would be fun to make some videos detailing some of the questions and concerns we had before my 2015 northbound thru-hike (beginning March 30th!). We then hope to make post-trail “After videos” responding to the questions and concerns we had before the journey began. The topic of our first AT Chat video is long distance relationships–those in which one person is hiking the trail and the other is staying home, continuing in school, etc. We would love to hear about your own experiences, or additional questions you may have, in the comments!
Here’s our first AT Chat video, which we hope you enjoy. For convenience, I’ve copied the six questions we ask in the video below.
Six questions about relationships that we have for our future post-AT selves:
1) What did you miss the most about your partner during the hike?
2) What form of communication did you appreciate most from your partner on the Trail?
3) How did the hike change your relationship?
4) What is something you wish you had done with your partner before the Trail?
5) What’s your favorite memory of your partner during the hike?
6) What was it like to see your partner during visits or when you reunited at the end of the Trail? (or both!)
Concluding thoughts:
I hope this project will provide some insight into the ways minds (or at least two of them) change over the course of a thru-hike. Being interested in psychology and how the mind works, I’m excited to examine the effect this experience will have on me, and learn from Francis about her experience as well. Surely things will change–they would have even without a thru-hike–but we’re excited for the challenge and ways of growing closer emotionally, even when apart a significant distance. We look forward to hearing your thoughts and experiences, and wish you the best if you’re in a similar situation!
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