Making Miles, Making Friends
I haven’t posted a blog in a while and to be honest capturing everything that happens out here is tough.
700 Miles
A few days ago I passed the 700 mile marker and that’s when everything started to feel real. I felt like a thru hiker. I have a new confidence that I can tackle anything this trail delivers.
To me the first 700 miles has been the learning curve. The toughest days have been the most meaningful and are shaping me into the hiker I’m becoming. When the rain stops and the storm clears I realize how much stronger I am because of it.
Spring has Sprung
Watching spring develop has been such a great experience. A week or so before we saw green the valleys were giving off a red tint as the buds on the trees were taking shape. As time progressed little Trout Lilies were starting to pop up giving the sense that spring was right there. The green paintbrush of spring is slowly making its way up the mountain sides and the flowers are standing tall. The transition from winter to spring is in full swing and I couldn’t be more excited to not sleep in every article of clothing to stay warm.
Trail Squad
Someone told me how fast you can get close to people on trail. This person is 110 percent correct. Everyone is out here for different reasons, but you all share a collective goal. Having a group around you helps you stay present. It is so easy to fall into the trap of getting tunnel vision and thinking about Maine, but having a few people who you are really close with can limit this. You have to enjoy every moment with these hikers because anything can happen out here.
My little crew is amazing. We aren’t always together, but that means when we finally do meet up the times are better. Doc, Chaunce and I woke up for sunrise on Mcafee Knob and that may be my favorite moment on trail so far. Seeing and experiencing things with others enhances your experience.
The three others in our circle have caught up to us in Daleville, VA (mile 729.7) and I am so excited to get back out there with them.
Virginia Blues Debunked
I am proud to say that I have not experienced one ounce of the Virginia Blues. The trail runs 550 miles through this wonderful state and sometimes hikers get into their heads about it. This has been my favorite state thus far and we are about 250 miles into it. I am so pumped for the Priest Wilderness and Shenandoah so I have a lot to look forward to in the upcoming weeks.
So much to look forward to… Until then, Happy Hiking!
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Comments 2
I just love living vicariously through your journey, Easy! You’re doing great and I imagine your crew is just as smitten with you as you are with them. You’re pretty awesome! 🙂 .
You rock! Love reading the blog. Keep trucking and take care.