Mezcal makes you happy?

Day 91

Daleville to Wilson Creek Shelter 11.2 miles AT mile 741.8

Card of the day – 10 of swords

Day 90 ended up being another unscheduled Zero.  These are starting to become a thing.  There were a few hikers hanging out in town and I just was not in the mood to move.  I’m in a bit of a bubble with some really good people that are making me smile so I figure it’s best to stay put than strike out alone and end up hating it.

We got breakfast at Bojangles which was a first for me.  It’s kind of a mix between KFA and Maccies.  Then we hit the outfitters for resupply which was followed by Moscow Mule and I grabbing lunch at a diner down the road as I wanted a burger.  You can’t get rare cooked burgers back home so I kinda crave them!

We did washing and put up a line outside the hotel to dry it all as their dryer had broke  and naturally drank beer and listened to music.

That was followed by dinner at a BBQ place and before I knew it, it was hiker midnight.

The next day I got out by 10.40!  It’s the town vortex!

The woods feel different outside town.  They feel darker and angrier.  It’s difficult to explain unless you can see and feel it.  Maybe they are just more full of life away from society?

There was a long old road walk and then just like that we hit the sign that told us we were  1/3 of the way!  Suddenly there was a sense of achievement again.

The next part of the hike was through fields and over bridges, jumping over log walkways.  At least today’s first hill was only 3 miles.  That’s an improvement right?

We hit lunch at the shelter and I was treated to Ferrero Rocher!  Thanks Moscow, with these Rocher you are spoiling us!

The rest of the day was lots of hard ups and downs but no real views.

We were in the shelter by 5pm, and the usual evening routine ended the day.

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