Mi Casa Es….. Mi Casa, aka Test Pitch
T-minus 47 days to go-time! I’ve been internally debating the convenience of free-standing double wall vs the low weight of single wall with trekking pole pitch. We pack our insecurities, and sleeping wet with condensation dripping inside the tent is one of mine…. Thermodynamics and physics and tell me that with ventilation I can mitigate the problem and lower my base weight by ditching that fear.
Test pitch of the Gossamer Gear The One in my back yard. I think this is gonna be fine living quarters for a few months! Lots of room inside for one, a sweet gear vestibule and weighs in at 1 lb 10.2 oz, but like I say….mi casa es mi casa.
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Comments 1
Thanks for blogging your journey, Steve! I’ll be following along, taking notes!