My thoughts on the art of heart rocks
This is a treatise on the finding and proper placement of heart rocks.
First what is a heart rock?
Some examples
Not all hearts on the trail are rocks
Moisture spot on rock
A hole in a tree
A stump
Don’t know what but it’s there
Leaf on the trail
The next step is the placement of the rock.
This step is probably more important than the finding of the heart. For me, since I’m quite old, as my daughters often point out I keep my eyes on the trail to keep from falling. They are also quick to point out that if I do fall and break a hip it is straight to the home. With my eyes often on the trail the hearts seem to jump out to me, almost begging me to pick them up. All that to say I find the hearts rather easy.
Placement is often another story.
First of all one must be willing to carry said rock until the placement spot presents itself. Some of the factors entering into the spot are;
Does the spot draw your eye to it?
Will the rock remain there for a while?
Will the rock bring joy to the person spotting it?
Here are some of my favorite types of placement spots.
I love when I can wedge between two trees
At a shelter
With an Azalea blossom
On a mossy rock with a leaf
In the end the only important thing is that your heart bring some joy to the person following behind you
Peace and love from me and the Trail.
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