Nervous Consumption
In two days we will be flying to Atlanta, Georgia to start our big adventure on the Appalachian Trail that we have been talking about and planning about for almost a year. In anticipation of our departure, we
spent the day yesterday saying goodbye to our kids, our grandkids, and our dog. Sob. And today, for some reason, I am consumed with hunger; chocolate hunger in particular–so much so that I drove totally out of my way to get to a store that I knew would have Dove Bars; not just one Dove Bar, but a whole bag of Dove Bars! This is something I have never ever done in my entire life, but I was possessed. When I got back to my car, I ripped into those chocolates like an addict looking for a fix. To my credit, though, I have not eaten the entire bag–not yet anyway.
Once I returned home, I threw myself into more food. In the last hour, I have baked a loaf of banana bread (using up the ripe bananas and the nasty dried ones), baked two sweet potatoes (that have been sitting on the counter for a week) and cooked up a ginormous pot of mystery soup. The mystery soup is an amalgamation of all the things I could find in the cupboard, the refrigerator and the freezer that might spoil while we are gone for six months.
The soup project started with a bag of noodles I found in the cupboard along with two big containers of chicken broth. Then there were the carrots and the celery and the onions I found in the fridge along with some unidentifiable meat in the freezer. I thought the meat was chicken, but once thawed, it no longer resembled any chicken I’d ever seen –living or dead. It might have been pork. I’m not really sure, but I threw it in anyway. Perhaps, instead of mystery soup, I could call this ‘Pork O’Noodle Soup’. I like that. The irony is, I have made so much soup and so much bread trying to use up leftovers that, unless Mel and I eat continuously for the next 48 hours, we won’t even come close to eating it all–and I will be back to square one– with food leftover that will spoil in 6 months! Maybe I could just eat it all myself.
How is it possible to even have this much hiker hunger without having actually hiked?
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Comments 2
Anticipation has a high calorie content.
You got that right!