Nitty Gritty
A week from today I will be ascending Springer mountain in Georgia.
My pack, as well as everything else has been spread out on my floor for about 2 weeks now. My mind is in a constant revolution of thoughts but I end up always coming back to the fact that I’m leaving in 7 days. Am I ready? My gear is ready, but am I ready?
No doubt that I’m nervous about this. I don’t think I can be fully ready until I experience it. That’s why I wanted to do this in the first place. Experience nature, embrace the diversity in people, smile a lot, walk a lot, sleep, poop (yes, in the woods), and let things unfold as they will. I’m ready to experience the Appalachian Trail.
2,189.2 miles, 5 million steps, over the course of 7 months. Taking it one step at a time, enjoying nature and awesome people.
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Comments 1
Looking forward to your updates! I always wanted to do this and you are actually doing it! How exciting! Know that we all are behind you every step of the way!