One of Many Lists
It seems like lately all I have been doing is planning! If I’m not reading, writing, thinking, or talking about the Appalachian Trail, I am reading, writing, thinking, or talking about my move to Portland, Oregon. These days I find myself looking at maps often, perhaps too often, but who else can say that they’re trekking the lengths of United States, south to north and east to west, all within a year?
This is what my to do list looks like:
- Pack up life, in the next 19 days, YIKES!
- Drive 3,000+ miles from New York to Oregon
- Unpack life
- Pack up life into backpack
- Hike 2,185+ miles from Springer Mountain, Georgia to Mount Katahdin, Maine
- A trillion other things not worth mentioning
Packing up the entirety of my belongings to move across the country is no easy feat, and I’m sure unpacking will be equally unpleasant, but it’s time to take a break from packing boxes (just kidding, I haven’t started) and unpack my backpack for a gear…wait for it…list! Yes, a good ol’ gear list.
I am no gear expert and I’m still in the process of finalizing acquisitions, please feel free to share any suggestions or questions that you may have! Also, if you haven’t already done so, make sure to check out, I’m finding it to be a great little tool to calculate my gear weight and keep me organized.
I feel pretty confident with most of my choices, at least more confident than I initially felt. I have made some changes over the last few months such as opting to use an inflatable sleeping pad versus a closed cell pad, I am also swapping my trekking poles for something a bit more compact. I have yet to test some of my newer gear so make sure to check back for some updates!
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