Out of the NOC! Not a happy boy!
Day 27
NOC to Sassafras Gap Shelter 7.1 Miles. AT mile 144
Card of the day – none drawn
Today can only be summed up as a bit miserable. I woke up feeling rough at about 6am and went for a shower. The cubicles were something off a scout trip but ok.
As every one woke up we arranged to go for breakfast, as it was at least available from 8 today. I needed to do my laundry again in case it was a reaction but that did not open till 9.
Eventually we made it out some time around 11.
As awful as the downs has been, the climb out of the NOC was just as bad. The scenery was more of the same pine forest with oak’s. But the inclines really burned the calves.
All in all there was nothing good about today. I would say that was because of my mood but it’s the consensus of the group to be fair. For a time it was cold wind but then hot sun, there was no temp regulation and no way to judge what clothes or layers to have on.
What I do know is that my hives hurt like hell and I was tired. It was like a hangover from hell.
For much of the hiking there were rock garden’s! These things are killers on the feet! I’m sure I’ve moaned about these before and expect to again! I thought this was hiking not bouldering? And then there was snow in them there hills! Nothing like Ben Loman like, but still, it was there. Kegstand got all excited and wanted to make snow balls! There was not enough snow though.
At the top of the mountain we decided it was time for a celebration beer! We figure we had earned it. And the carbs and calories were needed.
We made it Into camp around 4.30pm and it was defo not flat! Still we made the best of it and Meg and I managed to find space for our tents. Food for the evening was biscuits and gravy, which although being a first for dinner was actually delicious and I was in the tent by 7. Hiker life!
There were some section hikers with jacket potato’s and stake! Man those guys know how to live! Thankfully they shared some with some of the tramily, they seemed to enjoy it.
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