Am I ready? Could I be more ready? Will I ever be truly ready? What is ready?
With my march 9th departure date quickly approaching these questions have all but consumed my waking hours. The conclusion I have come to is another question. Could I ever be truly ready for what I am about to undertake? The answer to that question is pretty straight forward, yes and no. Yes I have spent hours in guide books and online planning miles and drops, I have bought sufficient supplies and equipment. But you know what they say, few plans survive first contact with the enemy. What it comes down to is not the things in pack or the cloths on my back, the most important thing is what lies between my ears. The most crucial tool I poses is my attitude. Plans be damned, when the chips are down will I have what it takes? Can I dig deep enough?
The name of the game is not only to get comfortable being uncomfortable, but to learn to love the discomfort. You need to want the pain, you gotta love the grind. You need to look in the face of hardship and smile, with blistered feet, bug bitten skin and wet soggy feet and say I got this, this is what I live for. After all it is the bad that makes the good all that much better. Its like Lao Tzu said “Indeed the hidden and manifest give birth to each other. Difficult and easy compliment each other. Long and short exhibit each other. High and low set measure to each other.” So just remember you are in the pursuit of life, and this my friends is the stuff of life.
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