Reasons to hike the A.T
We all have our own reasons, divorce, job loss, retirement, just out of college, a thrilling challenge to get you into tip top shape etc. These are the most frequent reasons I keep hearing. But what about the lost souls, the wanderers on earth who can never seem to find somewhere to feel truly at ease. Itchy feet syndrome, if you will. Living in one of the biggest cities in th U.S, life becomes rather mundane, fast. Sure, there’s so much to do, all the time, a constant distracting haze, beckoning you to spend more money, to buy more stuff to fit into a tiny apartment that you pay way too much for. This, for some, is heaven and that’s fine, to each their own. But after 3 years, all that I’ve seemed to have accumulated is a sore kidney, many bad decisions, an abusive relationship, a dead end job and a wanderlust that can seldom be satisfied.
For me, hiking the A.T has several influences; a final farewell to the East Coast, a physical and spiritual cleanse and to spend some quality time with my Cousin (yep, I’m dragging my poor ol’ Cousin with me, not sure she knows what shes in for) So, those are my reasons, I’m curious to know what the reasoning behind your hike is, let us know!
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