Reservation equals motivation
The Appalachian Trail has been an experience for sure. From learning so much about yourself, and making friendships that will last forever! It’s a roller coaster for sure! And Im ready for the ride!
Day 15:
William Penn shelter to Pine Grove. Garmin and I hitched a ride into town! Yes, hitched! It has been raining a whole bunch so I decided to take a zero. We ran into this awesome LASHer, Jerr Bear! LASHer is a long ass section hiker. We all went to a Oneals to eat dinner. That was fun. It was good to get out of the rain! PA is starting to wear on me though, all the rocks!!!
Day 16:
Garmin and I resupplied at the DG which is right across from the hotel we were staying at. It was of course pouring down rain the whole day! Glad I decided to take a zero! I also got rid of about a pound worth of stuff! I’m starting to miss home, my husband, dogs, cats, bees, chickens and bunnies! But I just keep telling myself, when I flip down south they will be able to see me a lot!!
Day 17:
Comfort inn to eagles nest shelter. 15ish miles. MORE RAIN. So i got a break in the rain and was like perfect time for lunch! I kid you not, once I got my food out, boom pouring down rain! I was like ok it’s just one of those that will be done in 3 minutes. Here I am waiting it out, does it stop??? NO! So I pack up and start hiking again. And guess what? 200 yards later it stops raining! I feel like my legs feel more tired after my 0 day than before.
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