Shall we get started?
How about we start off strong and set the tone with a quote from one of the great heros of the wilderness.
“I am losing precious days.
I am degenerating into a machine for making money.
I am learning nothing in this trivial world of men.
I must break away and get out into the
mountains to learn the news”
– John Muir
This quote hits me hard, as I am sure it hits many of you. I do feel like I am losing precious days. I do feel like I am just a machine for making money. However, I am learning, I am growing, and I have been making plans.
In March of 2015 I will be heading out with my girlfriend, Teresa, and our friend Dan on a great adventure. We will be attempting a thru hike of the Appalachian Trail starting in Georgia and ending in Maine about five months, four pairs of shoes, five million steps and over two thousand miles later. To some this sounds crazy, but to us… well it sounds kind of crazy also.
However, in our defense, this isn’t really new to us. Over the last few years the three of us have been on backpacking trips in Colorado, Utah, South Dakota, North Carolina, Virginia and right in our home state of Iowa. All of these trips have been absolutely amazing and filled with so many great memories. We have been tested and pushed at times but together we have learned to be very comfortable and competent in the back country. We feel very fortunate to be hitting the trail next year with gear and knowledge on which we have relied on many times in the past.
The only problem with out past trips is that none of them were long enough. Two or three weeks and we were back to work. At this rate I would never see all the places I want to see. Something needed to change. I need bigger and longer adventures if I want to see it all, and the Appalachian Trail is just the beginning.
“The world’s big and I want to have a good look at it before it gets dark.”
– John Muir
Three more cold winter months and I am off.
With all of that being said I would like to invite you all to come along on this journey with me. I will be keeping journal entires right here on the Appalachian Trials page where I will be trying to present the trail in an amazing and beautiful, but honest way. I am also very active on my Instagram page where I will be doing my best to post beautiful pictures from life on the trail. Additionally, I will be using Facebook to meet people, keep in touch and even reach out for advice from former hikers. So please feel free to search for me and follow me on those as well, would be great to meet you all!
I really appreciate everyones time and support. Could not do it with out you all.
“Let those who will, buy lands and horde money.
We will have our memories, glad memories of golden experiences together.”
– Margaret Gehrke
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