Silly Fears
Going through the Shenandoahs recently, I was constantly struck by the ridiculous idea that so many people are afraid of nature. A perfect example of this is the black bear. I have seen quite a few black bears on my hike, and none of them have come anywhere close to hurting me. Many of the bears in the park are even accustomed to humans, so they barely seem to notice or bother when one is near.
I thought of this again when it continually rained on all of us hikers. Many people imagine the woods as a difficult place to live, but it is not. Sure, when it rains, you get wet, but you will dry again. It is not always the same temperature. The comfort zone will be challenged.
That is part of what I love so much about being out here. I am uncomfortable often, challenging how much I can do, and how to maintain a peaceful state of mind. It feels awesome!
So challenge yourself! Do things that make you uncomfortable and things you might not be able to. You will surprise yourself.
Watch out! A bear!
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