Springer and a trail name!

Day One

Black Gap Shelter to Hawk Mountain Shelter via Springer Mountain! 1.5 miles on the approach trail and 8.1 miles of the AT!

Card of the day – 0 The Fool (take from that what you will!)

So last night was cold, and sleep was hard to come by.  We made a slow start leaving camp by about 10am.

All in all it was not a bad first nights sleep and I survive to hike another day, but there were some lessoned learnt about my set up, which I aim to rectify tonight.

The morning was cold but dry and before I knew it we were at that famous sign that marks the start of the AT in the South.  We were lucky to catch a view.

We then made our first steps that actually count on the AT.  All these years of dreaming and I’m finally there!

We walked through so many different environments, mountain laurel green tunnels, pine forests, American oak.  Over bridges and stepping stones.  Past water falls and creeks.  Through car parks where some one had left a blender!  There is no way that was a hiker as who would carry that! (Most probably a trail angel)

Today felt good, I felt good.  No aches or pains.  No hot spots, but a bit of light chaffing! (Your going to get warts and all).

I get a Trail Name

After lunch at Stover Creek Shelter we bumped into a father and son who had hiked in ‘22.  Their trail names were Goldie and Gangster.  They gave me my first trail magic, a can of IPA (and if you read this it was delicious, so thank you!)

It was from the highland brewery, and so I made a comment that that was fitting! Goldie asked if I had a trail name yet and if not that should be it.  I was like, no way! No Scotland or England or British and no reference to my job.  He was like oh, you don’t want to walk in to the cliche?  Nope!

As quick as any thing he said, “well how about Cool Breeze”. I thought it over and tried it out.  It made a few people laugh, so I guess that’s the one!

So here I am, Cool Breeze, the AT Hiker!

Tonight’s home was Hawk Mtn Shelter.  There are all kinds of folks here, from so many backgrounds and walks of life, a real melting pot.

A fire was built and we all got to chit chatting.

Today has been a good day.  Thank you trail gods!

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Comments 2

  • jen l : Mar 12th

    Too many highlanders anyway. You’ll be a welcome companion when the days get hot and steamy 🙂 Power on! Thanks for sharing.

    • Craigen : Mar 31st

      You’re most welcome. I hope you enjoy the tails!


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