Springer to Neel Gap
Man oh man, what a couple of days it has been!
It all started on Friday afternoon, my darling girlfriend Morgan drove me to the Richmond Amtrak station where I got
on a bus to Charlottesville. I then boarded a overnight train that took me allllll the way down to Gainesville. Stepping out of the train, feeing weird and a little delirious only having 4 hours of sleep, not ready to hike 2,000 miles, a nice man that picks up thruhikers and drops them off at the trail. Richard Anderson picked me up, thank you again if your reading this! 🙂
The road leading to springer mountain trailhead was a pretty gnarley one. There was a lot of people up there, hanging out and starting as well. It was awesome because a lot of the people I saw then I would see further down the trail! I stretched up a little bit and tied my shoes up and grabbed my trekking poles and headed up, southbound to the top of Springer. This is where the southern terminus of the APPALACHIAN TRAIL is. On my way up the summit, I passed about 10 people, one woman was sitting on a rock with a backpack, and her little pug. Once I got up there, I took in the view and ate some lunch. There was 2 guys from some Atlanta News place or something and interviewed me, it made me kinda realize more that I’m attempting this amazing journey and then I decided to go down the mountain and head on to Hawk Mountain Shelter.
On the way, I passed areas full of lush green rhododendron trees. It was mostly flat/downhill, and a beautiful hike. I get to Hawk Mountain shelter, I set up my tent because there was 30+ people around and the shelter was full. It was awesome to see this many people honestly. I set up near the water because I actually forgot my other one liter smart water in Richards truck I think? So I started with only 1 liter. Also, I met these 4 guys somehow and hung out with them around the fire and eventually went back to my spot and fell asleep.
Waking up was kinda hard, but once your up, your tasks are simple and your ready. I got all packed up and headed off, stopping by and saying Goodmorning. Hike on up to Gooch Gap where we hear there is Train Angels, they were from Nashville here for the week! Nice people!
Waking up to egg sandwiches! Hike on over a few mountains and get to Lance Creek and a whole bunch of us were camping together. Its an amazing thing, just random people placed in the same part of the world. It was then I got the name One Liter, which I like!
Hike over Blood Mountain today, and that was tough. The uphill wasn’t too bad but it was straight down. Amazing views though!
Its late right now and I should be sleeping but me and three other guys rented a cabin and tomorrow we’ll get back on da trail 🙂
The first night was hard, but it’s awesome. I’m having a blast out here. I feel really good about everything. Until next time ladies and gents!
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