A New Beginning, A New Adventure
A Litte Bit About Myself:
Hi guys! My name is Nicollette, but I usually go by Niki. I am about to graduate (in two weeks!) from the University of Tennessee with a degree in Environmental Studies. I’ll be moving back to my hometown of Chattanooga for a few months to save a little money and then begin my thru-hike of the A.T. in April of 2016!
Hiking a little over 2,000 miles is the one thing I feel sure of at this point in my life. This year I’ve fallen in love with the idea of movement and migration, of spending time outside and feeling truly wild. I do not feel a particular pull toward one place to call home, in fact, I feel restless staying in one place for too long. Following the trail of white blazes for five months feels like the only path to me. I feel pulled toward a path that allows me to spend 5 months waking up to brilliant sunrises, watching the sun burst across the sky, with brilliant reds and oranges filling the horizon. I’m excited to fill my days with walking, smelling the crisp scent of the air that only pine forests seem to create, and to spend nights crawling into a tent with a tired, dirty, aching body and to doing it all again the next day. I’m discovering that your early twenties is a time that combines chaos, fleeting opportunities, and serendipitous moments. The Appalachian Trail feels like the path for me, at this point in my life, and I really do not think I could be any more excited (and definitely a little nervous)!
I can’t wait to share my stories about gear, mistakes, excitement, friendships, spontaneity, and everything else that comes with walking 2,000 miles. This is why I am excited to hike the Appalachian Trail, in a place full of experiences and adventures waiting to be had – I just have to take them.
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Comments 2
Hey girl! Excited to have you along. I live not too far from Chattanooga- maybe an hour and a half. I would love to chat sometime! I could nerd out about the AT all day haha! Feel free to add me on Facebook or follow me on Instagram (@ashschellhase). Happy trails!
Welcome to the team, Nicollette!