Teach Your Children Well…
My daughter left two days ago for Atlanta, to solo NOBO starting today, a day of transition. Very excited, very proud, very supportive and very happy but also a little sad to see her go and nervous because she’s nervous. There isn’t anything the trail can throw at her that she can’t handle. But she may not know that yet.
A parent’s job is to teach self-reliance, self-worth, self-sufficiency, along with selflessness. A child’s job is to develop a sense of her/his place in the world. For nearly 26 years, she’s been steadfastly and diligently working on that–as you all have–with fabulous results. And now, tackling the trail…wow, I am just in awe.
I have tremendous respect for those of you heading out this season and I think all of you are brave and positive souls who will make the world a better place. Tread lightly on the land and breathe deeply the air of your freedom. And if appropriate, thank your parents for taking you camping one time, or watching the night sky with you, or encouraging you to pick up that frog, or building a fire outside, or taking you to a park, or a lake…or sending you a box of food while you hike. We are so proud of your courage, even if some of us are not able to say it.
photo courtesy of stusic
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