Test Blog!
Test, Test, 1, 2, 3, Test!
I am testing my ability to blog from my phone, which will be my only connection to the outside world. You, where you all live! Because I will not be staying in any towns longer than I need to resupply, launder clothes, and charge my phone and charger, I will not have much opportunity to get on a computer. So, my journey will be documented on my phone.
This, of course, requires a few rehearsals. As with anything on the trail, the first time you attempt it should not be on the trail!
For those of you who care, or are interested, I am using a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, through…can you hear me now…Verizon. my fumbling fingers mean I am using the pen that comes with the phone. For those of you who don’t care…sorrry for wasting a paragraph of your life that you will never get back!
Random Photo Insert!
Ok, so that went well. I just inserted a photo! Well, of course you see it, therefore, it is quite obvious that I put a photo in the blog. As I stated, it is all about practice. Since you are seeing and reading the final product, the production is quite transparent to you. Let me assure you, this is much harder than sitting in front of my laptop!
As a point of interest, again, for those of you who care, this is me after a 4 hour stair machine session training up for said hike! If you didn’t care but continued to read, keep up, you should have learned after the last time!
In Closing!
Thanks for taking the time to read this. I am sure these blogs will becone rife with grammar and spelling errors once I am logging in the miles. I apologize in advance! This was tricky enough well rested, fed, and in my house. The trail will, I predict, exponentially increase the difficulty!
Stay safe, and I will see you on the high ground, and the liw ground, and all the ground in between!
Wit and Witicsim
I hike, therefore I am…a hiker!
Scuba Steve
RLTW <2>
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Comments 1
Let me start by saying thank you for your service to our country. Great work on using your phone to blog. I will begin my NOBO in about 1 week, and will be maintaining a blog while on the trail.