Thank You
So I was sitting in my room last night, tired, but most of all anxious as can possibly be-
When Zach (finally) set me up with everything I needed to set me lose and this website, everything started to become real. Though I had been planning/thinking about this trip for a loooong time, it always felt sort of like some fiction adventure that was never going to happen. Now, I am ready to go – I’ve moved out of Kelly Creek (the sick house me and 3 other guys lived in while I attended UCF) to move back in with my parents, I’v worked hard to trade out my old heavy gear to significantly drop my pack weight, I started my fundraising page, and I made a goofy award-winning video.
…Now, the time is almost here to step foot onto Springer and start this MUCH anticipated journey. (and I’m going crazy!) As my first post, I just wanted to take the time to give a big long sincere thanks to several people.
1.) Katie – The most legit fiance. Thanks for one, allowing me to follow my dreams. Two, supporting me like crazy during it. Three, Believing in me…and being hot.
2.) Mom – Thank you for your sick Facebook Stalking skills which ultimately led to me winning the Badger Sponsorship. 452 Likes!? No, I really ain’t that popular, I just got good family and an intense mom. Also, thanks for raising me to do big things. I love you, mom.
3.) Dad – Thanks for giving me work for the past 2 months. I was seriously overpaid for what I did, just want to say you are the most hard working/unselfish person I know and you have been my number one example for who I want to be when I grow up.
4.) Mike – I knew you would cry if I didn’t include you in this list.
5.) Rest of family/friends – Thanks for not thinking I am completely crazy for doing this (for the most part)…. I am blessed to have the support that you guys provide.
6.) Zach – Thanks for your emotional support. Your 100% right, it is worth over $24,000,000. I appreciate that you are willing to give back the support that was given to you, by offering to help a thruhiking newb like me. (oh, and your book was aight too.)
7.) Anybody I forgot – If I were to list every single person that I want to thank specifically on here it would take for-e-ver (Squints voice) cuz that is just how much everybody has been so great to me. This experience has been awesome already and I have not even left yet! I have you guys to thank for that.
8.) Anybody who will follow me on here – Im not the greatest blogger in the world (I’ve never blogged in my life) so my posts might be weird and not as legit as Zach’s. (so I appologize for that) But one thing that I can tell you guys is that I am EXTREMELY excited to share my trip with you guys, so you know there will be alot of energy when I update you (if nothing else). I am very passionate about this trip and having people to share it with makes it that much more enjoyable. Thanks.
Ok, Im done with all the mooshy crap. Now, the countdown begins….
Joe (I dont have a sweet trail name yet)
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