The 2020 AT Section Hiker Survey: Motives and Logistics
Long overlooked in our annual surveys, Appalachian Trail (AT) section hikers were the focus of this year’s survey. We surveyed 448 people, 34 of whom had completed the entire AT in sections, i.e. become “2000 milers” in over a year, and 414 who were in progress working towards this goal. This post focuses on the logistics of section hiking, like trips per year and how long section hikes usually take. For the nuts and bolts, keep reading, or else skip to the TL;DR at the bottom.
The Sample
Four hundred ninety-eight hikers completed our survey. Of these people, 34 hikers in the survey had completed the entire AT, or become 2000 milers, by hiking it in sections. Four hundred fourteen hikers were attempting to complete the AT in sections but had not finished it yet. Hikers who had completed a section with no intention to complete all 2000 miles (59 of them) were not included in the rest of the analysis below. Quick note: from here on out, whenever I refer to “section hikers,” I mean people who have hiked or are in progress towards hiking the entire AT in more than one year.
Reasons for Section Hiking
We asked hikers the main reasons they decided to complete the AT in sections instead of thru-hiking. Respondents had the option to select multiple reasons and to write in their own.
By far, the main reason 2000 milers and aspiring 2000 milers decided not to thru-hike was time constraints due to personal or work reasons. As our research on trends over time has shown, the typical budget for a thru-hike has drastically increased in recent years, and budget constraints were cited by 61 hikers as a reason they are doing it in sections.
Many hikers did not want to thru-hike or had not decided. Most of these hikers checked the box for our written response “I have no interest in attempting a thru hike” but some softened our language, saying they had not decided or were not sure. Common reasons given were that these hikers wanted to go at a slower pace or “not feel rushed” in order to immerse themselves in the experience more fully. Similarly, many mentioned they enjoyed having time on the AT every year. One section hiker mentioned they section hike on their anniversary with their partner each year, and others said they section hike with family members.
Physical limitations or health conditions prevented 40 hikers from attempting a thru-hike. An additional 10 hikers said they were injured during their thru-hike attempt, some more than once. Some mentioned the pace of thru-hiking, specifically, kept them from attempting again, while others implied that they did not want to re-do the sections they had already completed.
Unfortunately, several hikers injured in earlier years of thru-hike attempts were foiled again in 2020, this time by the coronavirus pandemic. In total, five hikers decided to section hike because the pandemic intercepted their planned 2020 thru-hike. (Most of the hikers excluded from further analysis had attempted a thru this year which was cut off by COVID. Unless they planned to complete the AT in sections in the future, they weren’t included in the rest of the analysis.)
Four hikers explained that they were not mentally ready for a thru-hike, and many of the others who said they did not want to thru-hike may have felt the same way.
For the 34 hikers who had completed the entire AT in sections, their total number of trips ranged from three to 170, with 24 trips taken on average. Put differently, successful 2000-miler section hikers completed sections averaging from 13 to 733 miles and the typical trip spanned 92 miles.
For hikes still in progress, the number of trips taken so far ranged from one to 450, with 15 trips taken so far on average.
I had wondered if hikers who lived closer to the trail did more, smaller sections while hikers living further away did fewer, longer sections. Based on proximity to the trail in miles, for the majority of the time they had been section hiking, there was no difference in the number of trips or length of trips.
I thought it would be interesting to learn the years that hikers in our survey had been on the AT. Of course, this timeline does not represent averages for all section hikers ever, considering that Myron Avery famously became the first 2000 miler/section hiker in 1936. I think the amount of time is probably more informative than the exact years. For aspiring 2000 milers, perhaps the most useful information we have on years of hiking is that the average time to complete a section hike, from first to last trip, was 12 years. The shortest time was just over one year (just outside the thru-hike range) and the longest was 41 years.
For hikers whose trek was in progress, the miles they had hiked so far ranged from five miles completed so far to 2200 miles. I’m not sure why the hikers who had done over 2190 did not mark themselves as having finished. It’s possibly due to the length of the trail changing from year to year, or due to hikers including the miles it took to get back on and off the AT. For hikes still in progress, the average amount completed so far was 664 miles.
Miles per Year
Average miles hiked per year ranged from less than one mile to 1259 miles, with the typical section hiker completing 154 miles of the AT per year on average.
Miles per Day
The section hikers in our survey estimated the average miles per day they hike for their AT section hike, including zero and “nearo” days. The lowest average given by a hiker was 2.5 miles per day and the highest was 23 miles per day. Of the ten hikers who averaged 20 miles per day or more, nine were aspiring thru hikers and one had already thru-hiked the AT.
On average, section hikers in our survey hiked 12 miles per day. In comparison, when we surveyed thru-hikers about miles per day in 2019, 2018, 2017, and 2016, they have averaged 15-17 miles per day. In those surveys, uncompleted thru-hikes averaged 12-14 miles per day. This fits with what some section hikers in this year’s survey shared about physical limitations preventing thru-hikes, or about choosing to section hike because they were injured attempting a thru-hike. Likewise, it fits with what some hikers shared about wanting to take more time to enjoy their surroundings without feeling rushed. Twelve miles per day is still a long day of hiking, especially without the months that thru-hikers have to build up strength. As someone whose thru-hiking “trail legs” are long gone, I am definitely impressed by the perseverance of hiking such long days without them!
Days per Trip
We asked hikers to estimate how many days they typically hike per trip. The average was 16 days and the median was six days, with estimated typical trip lengths ranging from one to 660 days.
Hikers were specifically asked if they had ever attempted to thru-hike the AT and then adapted it to a section hike. They were also asked if they intended to thru-hike in the future.
Thru-hiking and then section hiking the entire AT appears to be rare: only five people in the survey (about one percent) had previously thru-hiked the AT before their complete or currently in-progress section hike. Thirteen percent of hikers (57 people) had attempted a thru-hike which they later adapted to a section hike.
In contrast, some 24% of section hikers said they intended to thru-hike in the future, while 41% said they might attempt a thru-hike. Considering this data and the fact that only about 20% of attempted thru-hikes are successful, it seems rare for anyone to both thru-hike AND section hike the AT, in either order.
Regions of the AT
For hikers still working on their section hike, we asked what regions of the AT they had completed thus far (more specifically in what regions they had completed over half the miles of that region). Another way to put this is which regions hikers tend to start with or do first.
The region completed by the most section hikers was Georgia, north of Amicalola Falls State Park, the location of the AT’s Southern Terminus: Springer Mountain. It was a bit surprising to see that more hikers had completed Georgia north of the Terminus than had completed the Terminus itself, considering 13% of hikers had turned an incomplete thru-hike into a section hike, and most thru-hike attempts (and completed thru-hikes) begin at Springer Mountain. I wonder if section hikers are saving the Southern Terminus for the end, for symbolic reasons, or if it is because Springer Mountain is more challenging to access than other sections of the AT. I would love to hear in the comments from section hikers who hiked the rest of north Georgia before the Amicalola area about why you chose this order.
The second most commonly completed region was Nantahala National Forest in North Carolina, followed closely by the Great Smoky Mountains National Forest in Tennessee and North Carolina. The least traveled region by section hikers in progress was the AT’s Northern Terminus, Mt. Katahdin, in Baxter State Park, Maine. Some hikers may be completing the sections in order from south to north, and others might be saving this location for the end due to its significance and symbolism. The sections completed by more hikers roughly correspond to the easiest sections of the AT. The sections saved for later roughly correspond to the most difficult. Other than northern Georgia, the earliest and latest sections are also among the favorite regions of thru-hikers. So section hikers seem to have both practical and meaningful reasons to order their hikes as they do.
We asked hikers to indicate which seasons they hiked AT sections, from most time spent to least time spent hiking during that season.
Section hikers spend the most time on the AT in the summer, followed by fall, spring, and then drastically less time in winter. Keep in mind this is on average, and 11 section hikers actually did most of their hike in winter.
- The major reason, by far, that hikers chose to complete the AT in sections instead of thru-hiking was time constraints due to personal or work reasons.
- On average, 2000 milers completing the AT in sections did so in 24 trips, averaging 92 miles per trip
- Successful section hikers who have completed the entire AT typically hike 154 miles per year.
- The typical pace of a section hiker is 12 miles per day, similar to the pace of attempted, incomplete thru-hikes. (In contrast, our previous surveys have found that thru-hikers average 15-17 miles per day).
- On average, it takes 12 years to complete the AT in sections. Take into account that most people attempting this have time constraints preventing them from completing it more quickly.
- The sections that hikers tend to complete earlier in their attempts are northern Georgia, Nantahala National Forest, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
- The section most often saved for last is the Northern Terminus at Mt. Katahdin in Baxter State Park, Maine.
- Section hikers spend the most time on the AT in the summer, followed by fall, spring, and then drastically less time in the winter.
Thank you!
Many thanks to the section hikers who completed our survey and shared this valuable information, which will help prospective section hikers prepare. I have so much respect for the hikers who had to cut their thru-hikes short due to injuries and/or the COVID pandemic. For those whose hikes are still in progress, I wish you the very best and happy trails! For the 2000 milers who have completed their hikes, especially those who have persevered in this goal since the 1970s, CONGRATULATIONS! You are an inspiration.
More from The Trek’s annual hiker survey
This is the first of (most likely) four posts in a series on the data we have from our 2020 survey of section hikers. Subscribe to The Trek’s newsletter if you want to be updated on when the rest of the series is posted. Additionally, this is the first time we have focused our survey on 2000 miler section hikers. As a former thru-hiker, I am less familiar with that experience so I’ve finished this post with more questions than I typically have.
Please comment below if you have other ideas on questions to ask section hikers or to share the reasons you chose to pursue hiking the entire AT in sections. I’m especially curious about reasons hikers did not want to thru-hike and would love to get more detail on this in future surveys.
Featured image: Graphic design by Chris Helm.
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Comments 14
How can we be notified or participate in these survey’s? I would love to participate in these section hiker ones. I have done about 700miles on the AT in 2 years (600+ in one year).
We mostly recruit through facebook groups for whichever hiker group we are surveying, as well as word of mouth (“snowball sampling”) when people in those groups share the link with their friends. We are always looking for ways to recruit a wider, more representative pool of hikers and are open to suggestions. Thanks!
I’m the section hiker that started in 1973 as a 15-year old and finished in 2014, 41 years later. I completed 569 miles over 8 section hikes while in high school and college throughout the 70’s, then relocated from the east coast to Ann Arbor, Michigan to start a career. Outside of a 1988 hike in the Shenendoahs, work and family kept me from the Trail until 2000, but returning was always in the back of my mind. I kept a handwritten journal of my hikes until I finally typed everything up in the 90’s.
Yes, equipment has changed quite a bit over that time, but the experience remains the same. I started with what was then a state-of-the-art nylon external frame pack from Sears, along with a huge (and heavy) rectangular sleeping bag wrapped in a plastic groundcloth and a 1+ pound Optimus 8R white gas stove. Even with 40-45 pounds on my back I could maintain a 3 mph pace through Pennsylvania as my ankles turned every which way. The Kelty Tioga external frame pack I was going to use on my return to the AT in 2000 had corroded while sitting in the garage for 20+ years and served as the impetus to go with an internal frame. I gradually tuned my gear down and food bag to get to a 25-lb spring/fall setup. Even so, I had to pop a lot of Aleve to get my aging knees through the last 200 miles of Maine, finishing atop Katahdin on the foggy, misty morning of October 4, 2014.
My knees forced me to abort a thru-hike of the JMT in 2016, until I finally had them both replaced this year while living in Minneapolis. Now I’m focused on using sections of the Superior Hiking Trail to prepare me for the Timberline and Wonderland Trails that circumnavigate Mt. Hood and Mt. Rainier, respectively. If those hikes go well, then I hope to tackle Patagonia’s “O” Circuit, the Tour du Mont Blanc, and a New Zealand trail before I kick the bucket. “You don’t stop hiking because you get old, you get old because you stop hiking.”
–Kerosene, GAME, 1973-2014
What a great survey and discussion! I have an educational doctorate degree, Ed.D. and I know how much work you put into this. Thank you for this interesting work.
Mariposa, thanks so much for taking the time to do this very informative survey about ‘us’ section hikers!
Glad to see there are so many of ‘us’ still interested in section hiking for various reasons.
I plan to start up again in early March at Davenport Gap and continue North, for another section adventure as long as my life lets me…
Can’t wait to meet more hikers along the way, and as my grandson always says…Go North Young Man…Go North…
Keep up the great posts Mariposa.
My Section Hike began in 2014. I’m up to Mt Lafayette NH in 4 sections now. Would like to participate in your survey if still collecting data.
Did 1000 miles 2018, 800 last yr…. 400 to go, NH and Maine June 2021… hiked for make a wish, raised 7000.00 so far…. going for $10K…. love shelters…lol Zack, love your book, just bought my 7th book today…. going to write a book when I’m done.
Loved this survey and the attention given to us Lashers (Long Ass Section Hikers)! I participated in this survey and found the results interesting. I completed the entire trail this summer with 2 other section hikers. It took us 15 years.
It seems a bit odd to me that thru-hiking is more or less presented as the standard and section hikes are viewed as the alternative. In reality, the vast majority of AT hikers do day or short section hikes. Although I get thru -hiking, I also see that there are many ways to enjoy the AT – HYOH and view all as 100% valid expressions of enjoying what we all love.
Nice report.
We got about 1600 miles of the trail done when we had family issues come up and had to get off in 2019 while flip flopping.
We had some prior section hikes before.
So we headed back to start over in 2020.
Covid pushed us off. My wife looked at me and we just did not want to hike Georgia a fourth time.
So we are going to hike Duncannon to Vermont and that gets us the trail.
Then we can try the PCT.
Thanks for getting the data and writing it up. I live less than 10 miles to the AT (as the crow flies) and most of my “sections” were day hikes out and back. Now that I have picked all the low hanging fruit. Most of my plans for 2021 will be overnights as well. I’ve only had one resupply in 730 miles, and that was brought to me by my son.
I appreciate the time and effort putting this survey and the results/conclusions together.
I don’t recall if you asked our marital status. I am married. That is the main underlying reason I am Section Hiking. I could not nor would not want to be away from my wife for several months. I also did not start my hike until I retired. While working, my vacation time was spent as a family or with my wife.
I am one of the hikers who has not completed the southern approach trail to Springer Mountain. Simply put, that hike is not officially part of the AT so I did not want to put the effort into doing it. My goal is to complete the AT in order. I have done three hikes and have completed nearly 500 miles.
Thanks for doing this research and posting such thoughtful and well written articles! As a section hiker I find it both interesting and informative. Although I do more sections of shorter distance, I’m close to the average in most categories.
With respect to the southern approach and the section north of Springer, the eight miles or so out of Amicolola are known to be a difficult climb that is not officially part of the AT. So that motivated me to skip it.
The trail head at 0.9 north of Springer I accessed by a couple of miles if USFS dirt road, while there is a paved road crossing a relatively short section north. The dirt road approach may dissuade some in favor of the easier approach.