The Trail Begins!
Thanks so much to our parents and brother Ryan who drove us down to Georgia to drop us off. We started at a parking lot on Springer Mountain, hiked back a mile to sign the book and snap a photo with the AT plaque, then we officially embarked. The first day was gorgeous weather, about 60°, and the section near springer was very lush. We went 8.6 miles (+1 to the trailhead) that day and camped near Hightower Gap.
All in all not too many hikers. I was worried the trail would be crowded but that’s only if you want to sleep in the shelters. Kyle and I decided we prefer the peace and freedom of our own campsite, even if things get wet and nasty.
Hanging around camp these first few nights has been an amazing feeling. This is our life now! Suddenly all of the familiar goals and obligations have fallen away. I’m just sitting staring at the trees listening to a stillness so strong that a few leaves crackle to themselves. I can already feel my relationship with nature changing. Normally in my life I have to take time away from my daily tasks to appreciate nature. It’s something to do, sometimes something I should do, something I want to do, something I haven’t had the time to do. But here and now to appreciate nature is to appreciate every moment. I am living within its appreciation.
So here’s to an adventure, and here’s to my brother Kyle adventuring with me.
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Comments 1
Good luck from all of us at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Winston-Salem. We are rooting for you both!