Three Months…(not that anyone is counting)
Okay, so, I’ll admit, I’m a little over-whelmed.
You know, just a tad.
This also marks what I’m considering my “real” start with blogging, as I will be writing with much more frequency now as the month of March becomes my main focus, and what I obsessively think about (why does it seem so much more real now that it’s actually 2015?!).
I feel like I had everything under control, and everything was going quite well, and then all of a sudden – BAM. Fucking logistics, stress, everything. It’s gonna be good, though, because now my OCD side can shine, and I can make lists and lists and lists. Lists are one of my favorite things in this world. They are my rock.
My obstacles to freedom living in the woods:
- Gear: will be expanded upon in a post soon, as I feel this deserves its own glory. Everyone loves gear, and I would love everyone’s (much more informed than my own) opinions about my gear. Bottom line at this point, I have some things, I don’t have others.
- Mail drops: Yeah, I know, don’t freak out about mail drops, buy things in town, etcetera etcetera. I have things I need (contacts and medications being the most important) that I cannot buy in town, and I am currently having a love affair with a dehydrator. I want those delicious dehydrated foods in the mail, current trail wisdom/advice be damned. The weird looks I get from buying Clif bars in bulk is just a fun bonus.
- Care packages: What? Care packages? Aren’t those just…mail drops? Well, no. See, my fiancé is leaving for deployment just a couple days before I leave for the trail, so, I have ~6 months (what I’m guessing for hiking time, his deployment is actually ~9 months, but I’ll obviously just do those when I get back) of care packages to prepare ahead of time so that I am not the worst fiancé ever.
- The general putting together of life: bills, getting my stuff in order, doing taxes, the basic life things that seem to take so much time (all of which have to be done for fiancé, also, including his moving, so double fun!).
All of these things are definitely achievable, just a tad bit stress inducing.
What’s most thought-occupying, however, is the fact that I will (in ~65 days), leaving to be in the woods, alone, for about six months. I will not be able to talk to my fiancé at all (boat to trail communications aren’t exactly stellar), except for occasional emails in town, and letters written ahead of time. I won’t even have my cat! What will he do?!
Sometimes I feel a little insane for even trying this. Weirdly, not when people question it, though. That just make me more defiant. More willing to not just try, but succeed.
And when I’m not defiantly being sure I’ll finish, and do get a little stressed, I just refer to my lists…
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