Time is near
A year ago I was voraciously following certain hikers, and now that the start date is looming, Im purposefully not checking in as I second guess every ounce, my winter weight without food and water is a respectable 20#, or so I tell myself. Ive been training for the last month with 28-30 pounds for a few hours and havent gotten up to full days, but Im happy with the minimal soreness the next day.

Peanut butter and jelly tortillas has been my go to as Im not a fan of tuna, and while day hiking, I really havent found a better protein/fast sugar meal. Time will tell if that stays true. Lunch meals are set for now. Breakfast is instant packs of oatmeal, not a fan, but its warm and yummy. Supper is a hodgepodge of dehydrated meals, chicken, cold soaks, and I really prefer my dehydrated green peppers over the bag I bought. Im really mercurial about supper foods, so I didnt want to dehydrate too far into the future and hate what I thought I was going to eat for months.
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Comments 1
I always had a least a breakfast cookie or protein bar for those mornings where you just needed to go first thing. Have fun!