Today Should Have Been the Day

Ever since I began planning this adventure I have read other hikers caution about planning out too much and always being ready to have your plans change because there are too many things that are unexpected. Anything from weather to injuries can change your mileage or how long it takes you to get into town where your resupply is. I took this information to heart and after all I have always been a spontaneous fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl. I made loose plans like starting slow and working up to bigger days. The only concrete plans I had were how to get to the trailhead and when.

Well, the trail is teaching me early to relax and be flexible. Only days before our start date we are rearranging our plans and hoping to start in early April. Things might come together sooner but we do not want to start in March when the trail will be at maximum capacity and having  the luxury of not having a tight schedule to work with it will be better to wait. 

Waiting has never been one of my strong points so I guess the trail is teaching me life skills and I haven’t started yet. I will anxiously await our new start date and hope the next lesson I learn I will actually be on the trail.

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