Trail Update #2: I Am Really Bad at Updates
So, whenever I get to town I end up putting myself into a food coma which is why I haven’t written anything since NOC, ANWAY… We made it to Virginia yesterday and we’re staying at Woodchuck’s hostel for the second night tonight ( it’s wicked awesome here)! Obviously there have been a lot of miles done since my last post so here are some of the highlights and a quick recap. Also I promise to write more and chill on all the snacks, maybe?
- The Smokies: BRUTAL. My Oboz were not working out, my feet were in an unbearable amount of pain, and the weather was crazy. We got poured on for three days straight, 40 MPH winds, hail, and lightning. Went to bed freezing mostly every night and put on wet clothes in the morning just to go out in the rain again. BUT we had one nice day where we had an amazing view from Charlie’s Bunion and saw someone get proposed too! Hitched into Gatlinburg one day which was really touristy but awesome! Also met a duo from Germany who helped me a lot with my blisters. They gave me a lot of advice that honestly saved my feet and I am so grateful to have met them. Overall the Smokies were just cold and rainy.
- Hot Springs was awesome! We stayed at Laughing Heart for two nights (another awesome hostel) and I got ANOTHER pair of new shoes. I got a pair of Altras like the German pair from the Smokies suggested and my feet have been golden ever since! I’m enjoying the trail a lot more now that my feet don’t feel like they’re being crushed by bricks. Great food from Smoky Mountain Diner too?
- Oh my god did I love the Roan Highlands! Favorite part of the trail so far. It was beautiful, I felt like Frodo. Did our first 20 mile day, got poured on, and raced to town and stayed at Doe River Hiker Rest. One of my favorite hostels so far!☺️
- Other highlights include a lot of cute snails, seeing a baby bear, trail magic pancakes, and we had a perfect camp spot the other night. I love how it’s the little things that really matter out here. We got to Damascus and we were starving. On the welcome sign there were a few bananas. So many people care about your success out here. It’s an amazing community I’m so happy to be apart of. Close to 500 miles, almost time to start singing????
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