Travel as a Duo – Better!
So you want to travel the world with a friend, huh? What about a sibling? Parent? Boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife?
Hats off to ya.
I’m sure people have warned you or questioned your decision, and you’re still sticking to it. Good for you!
But, do you really know what you’re getting into? How well do you know this person? If you’re doing extensive travel with another person, PLEASE think it through and have an honest talk about the advice below. It may save a friendship – or marriage!
1. Be patient! My former travel partner, Claudia, (but still amazing friend!) is probably scoffing at that suggestion considering I’m the most impatient person on the planet. Still, make sure you can be patient with the other person. When you have had a rough day (and you will!), do your best not to take your frustrations out on your friend.
2. Talk it out when you disagree. When you have a problem with your other’s behavior, talk it out (ahem, patiently) sooner than later. You won’t always agree – speak up when there’s a problem.
3. Get ready to be inside some else’s head. And they’ll be in yours. Seriously, it’s way more than finishing each other’s sentences. It’s literally experiencing the same thing at the same time as your partner. So many times a thought was about to escape my lips, then she said the same thing before I did. This is a bizarre and sometimes frustrating phenomenon.
4. Make decisions together. Do your best to take emotion out of the equation and talk um, patiently, about your options. Make logical choices together, and don’t be afraid to compromise. I promise you’ll both have to more than once.
5. When your partner is injured, so are you. Sickness and injury (God forbid) may happen. If either of you falls sick or are injured, it may slow you down, but it’s part of traveling as a duo. You wouldn’t want them to bail on you, right? Keep each other strong.
6. You’ll probably get sick of each other! Don’t believe me? Let me know post trip. It’s a challenge to make every single decision as a team – where to stay, what to eat, how to spend money. We occasionally went to social outings solo for a breath of fresh air.
7. Oh, it’s OK to split up. I don’t mean ditch your partner when times are tough. But go have a drink by yourself! Go have dinner by yourself. If you need a break from your partner, politely talk it out and do so. Chances are they’ll be glad to get rid of you too 😉
8. Stay nice and grateful. Claudia and I took lots of turns cooking for each other or running errands for the group. Stay helpful, stay grateful. Don’t forget, this person chose to spend their time with you! Lift each other up!
9. Travel solo! If the above doesn’t sound like you, don’t forget that you don’t need anyone else to travel. Don’t be afraid to go solo; you’ll meet people where you go! I, for one, loved coming home with someone I will share those memories with forever. However, there is a freedom in solo travel that differs from traveling with a friend. If you think a trip will ruin a friendship (or worse), see how traveling alone is. You’ll be amazed at what you can do by yourself!
Good luck to you and your relationship! I 100% came back friends with Claudia after 5 months of traveling together. If we can do it, so can you!
Happy traveling!!!
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