Trekking with the Ponies
Quiet beauty
I have found the trail to continuously show me stunning and magical views. This particular day I was in a meadow. There were various colors of moss everywhere. The green moss reminded me of a special friend that once said, “She hoped to be like moss, soft but durable”. I try to put this magical place into words but I can’t seem to do it justice, it’s not possible.
Breakfast in Erwin, Tennessee
The people on the trail are fun to chat with but so are the people I have met in quaint, little towns.
As I was entering a restaurant in Erwin, Tennessee I had one thing on my mind, food and coffee. I quickly discovered no seats available.
Hiker hunger is a real thing. In fact, I even saw one hiker ask if the guy sitting next to him was done eating so he could nibble on the remaining food. I have to say food is always on my mind.
Thankfully, an elderly man spotted my desperation and opened an invitation to sit with him. Without hesitation, I plunked down beside him, and thought to myself, “How nice a chair with a backrest”.
What an honor it was to sit with this gentleman. He shared with me that he was born and raised in this hopping little town. He reminded me of both my Grandfathers, both of whom loved telling stories.
He shared one fishing story after another and then belly laughed when each story was complete. As he shared the history and stories about the now, diner that I was sitting in, I found contentment in our little, unexpected breakfast date. He let me know that the diner was a new establishment. In his time, it was a place that he would bring his home grown produce to sell to make a living.
He finished his last few sips of coffee and shared one more profound thought, “ That walk you’re doing sure sounds long”. I could have talked to him all day, but he excused himself as he said he had chores to do. I felt as though I had a new best friend!
Roan mountain is a shelter on the AT, which I found it to be unique. It sits on top of the mountain which is 6186 feet, as it is the highest shelter on the AT.
This day, I found to be extremely tough! Climbing mountains is challenging in itself, but then add snow and cold. I’ve had a few days of being cold, but this day just gave me no mercy. God always knows how to pick me up when I most need it and He certainly didn’t disappoint me this day.
As I was slipping and sliding on my descent, a SOBO (Southbound) hiker was approaching me face on, in fact I almost ran into him. I have a habit of looking down at my feet and not looking in front of me.
I stopped, and apologized for my lack of attentiveness and then all chaos let loose. He announced that two miles down the trail was a “Trail angel” serving food and hot coffee. My misery had been lifted and my eyes of excitement where opened.
Wild Ponies
As I hit the 500 mile mark in Virginia I kept hearing two things, “Virginia is flat and there are wild ponies”. I will say one out of two isn’t bad, there are wild ponies but it is far from flat.
The ponies are adorable yet I was informed they like to kick and nibble on fingers. I just thought they looked too cute so I had try to pat a couple. At first, the pony didn’t seem to be concerned with my approach. As I cautiously and excitedly was within inches away, he/she decided to turn and push me away. I quickly drew my trekking pole weapon, Pistol Pete style and decided I was close enough. I now know trekking poles can be used for two purposes. Alls well that ends well and I was on my way!
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Comments 1
Love reading your posts!
You are an amazing and courageous gal- a great example for the rest of us,less active , folk!!