Two Weeks to Summit!

June 19- June 25

June 19, Day 115 – Human Nature Hostel to Sabbath Day Pond Shelter. Human Nature hostel is an amazing geodesic house. We were the first hikers of the year, owner Ryan Holt, is a star on Naked and Afraid and has done three different series. His trail name is Yukon, but he is known on the show as Thrive, because he exceeds surviving. Besides being a chill guy, he makes one hell of a blueberry pancake! Awesome place, staff, property and Yukon is totally cool. End at marker 1,962.2. 17-mile day, mostly overcast and warm—70 degrees. Wow joined us and two late arriving SOBOs, saw four on the day. Three sets of trail magic, Maine couple, AT Gracie, and Fresh Ground.

June 20 – Day 116 – end marker 1,982.2. Sabbath Day Pond Shelter in a misty rolling fog, three summits to Poplar Ridge Lean-To. 20.1 miles with 6,480 feet ascent and 5,400 feet descent. Heavy rain in the afternoon and shelter was stock full—set up tent in the rain and change my soaked clothes. Aarrgh, an influx of SOBOs!

June 21- day 117, first day of summer and Hike Naked Day. Poplar Ridge Lean-to to mile marker 2,003. 8, Maine rt 27 in Stratton. Three summits (4K) Spaulding, South and North Crocker mountains! 6,600’ ascent and 7,200’ descent! Ate dinner and went to HOME- hostel of ME. Clean, well run and beautiful- staff were friendly and helpful!! They had amazing lupines blooming all around this pristine log cabin HOME!

June 22 – Day 118. Resupply in the morning after sleeping in and showering again! Nice breakfast. Had some chili hotdogs and climbed up and through the Bigelows ( our last 4K peaks). Weather was a mixed bag, including hail, rain, wind and sun. Great views, rugged and down right tough!! Only did 15.1 miles today, ending at 2019.1 at Bigelow lean to! Walked in as the sun was setting!

June 23 – Day 119. Bigelow lean to Pierce pond lean to, 17.7 miles, fairly easy trail with a host of regular stone, rocks, roots and mud obstacles! Perfect clear breezy and warm weather -70 degrees. Met 5 SOBO on trail and shelter and site packed with SOBO And section hikers. Hiked down to restaurant and made reservations so we can skip the dam and long way in the morning since it’s done! Perfect night to tent!! NOBO’s ; Whynot, Good Samaritan, Scamper and Legales camping with us! The frubble ferried the Kennebec this morning ! ( the Frubble is the lead Northern bubble, consists of 12-15 hikers)

June 24 – Day 120. Pierce pond lean to .03 to breakfast at Harrison’s place pond camp. After we hiked 3.3 miles to the canoe ferry across the Kennebec river then resupply in Caratunk. Then to Moxy mountain pond lean to – total of 22.8 miles. We’re going originally to Bald mountain brook lean to at 18 miles but everything was full, so pushed on 4 more miles, ending the day at 2,059.6! Another sunny and beautiful day around 70 degrees!

June 25 – Day 121 Moxy mountain pond lean to to Monson to stay at Shaw’s hostel. 17.9 in 6 hours, nearly 3 mph, forded three rivers. Beautiful day, 65 degrees and sunny giving way to showers!

The trail is pretty full and not an hour goes by without seeing another hiker, mostly south bounders! Clean shiny gear, they still smell good and most possess that positive attitude that will get them to Springer! I’m still in awe of the abundance of lady slippers especially the white ones, have seen easily over 300!!

Happy trails!


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Comments 1

  • Jan : Jun 29th

    I look foreward to reading your posts. You are really “STEPPING OUT”. I think that you are probably ahead of your original schedule. Sounds like this trip is very popular to many people. Keep up the great hiking.


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