It’s fun, it takes forever to get out, you generally like it, but once it is done you are so happy to move on. College? No. Virginia.
During my month in Virginia I took way more pictures than i did on the rest of the trip. It’s not just because Virginia has 1/4 of the trail. It’s because Virginia provided so many opportunities for sick pics. I will share a bunch of them with you:
Graceland Highlands. Ponies. Enough said.
Dragon’s Tooth. Amazing place to stand on a rock and feel like a man.
Mcafee Knob. Best picture spot
James River Bridge. Jump off of it
Skyline Drive: Shenandoah NP. An easy place to average 25 mi for 6 days straight. And get this…everyday…
Virginia was great…well, besides Three Ridges Mountain in 90+ degree weather, but It does feel good to have finished four states. Almost halfway thru.
-Smilin Joe 😀
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