Was it the jet lag or the jump in the Arctic Ocean?

What was I thinking?

I’ve never been great at word smithing, but in my insomniac driven doom scrolling there it was like a NEON sign – apply to become a Blogger for the Appalachian Trail. Perhaps my jump into the Arctic Ocean earlier that day froze my neurons into thinking that having outside accountability would be helpful. As if I wasn’t fretting enough.

No more lists, no more research.

After my multi-day hike into the Grand Canyon in 2012, it opened my world into the possibilities of more than day hiking. The AT now seemed like something possible. In 2016, the idea of a thru hike became when, not if. Fast forward to my impending retirement, rabbit holes of research, weekend trips, and my gear was almost set in stone. Until I went back on the interwebs, reread a new article, saw new shiny toys, it was hard to not resist.

The last few months have been a roller coaster of emotions, but now it’s almost go time. That has helped. The Class of 2025 waits. I had always planned on a flip flop  initially NOBO from Harper’s Ferry, because it’s one thing to hike in the snow, quite another to sleep in it. I’ll have to see how my SOBO leg unfolds due to Helene, but that is down the road.


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Comments 3

  • Fun Size : Jan 20th

    Jill, I also had some sort of crazy revelation recently and will be joining you on the trail beginning March in Virginia. I hope we cross paths!

    • Jill Lapham : Jan 23rd

      It could happen, Im setting foot in late March

  • Scott Wilson : Jan 21st

    Wishing you the greatest of trips and a safe one. I’m jealousy living vicariously through you and your blog.

    And don’t worry we’ll keep the other half occupied.


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