What It’s Been Like

What’s __________ been like?

What’s “hiking with Farasi” been like?
This is probably the question we get asked the most. I think this is partially because we’re both girls and so the guys on the trail expect it to be more dramatic or something. I think this is also because Farasi and I fake bicker a lot about silly things. But honestly, our relationship is low maintenance because what’s there to fight about out here? Life is simple. And as much as Farasi and I pretend we don’t care about each other, we spend a lot of time laughing together.

Farasi's attempt at Flamingo Friday

Farasi’s attempt at Flamingo Friday


What’s “your diet” been like?
Trash. I don’t even want to talk about this because we eat such garbage. Our oatmeal in the morning and clif bar afternoon snack are probably the best things going for us. Other than that, we eat a lot of high carb junk and sugar. Shame.

What’s “your hygiene” like?
Sub par to say the least. I brush my teeth twice a day and floss which is more than a lot can say. We shower once every two town days. We go into town about every four days for food. The first resupply we usually hike right back out. The next four days we’ll general go into town for the night and we’ll shower. So no more than one shower a week basically. We do laundry about once a week, sometimes less often depending on how crunchy our socks are. The boys take better care of their hair than I do — it’s dreading.


Dad took some trail friends out to a nice dinner. We did not blend…

What’s “the community” been like?
People out here are awesome. I’ve really felt like the community has had our back multiple times, especially as traveling females. Everyone has been friendly. The trail-town community is the best. The people that run the hostels have got to be some of the strangest and sweetest people.


What’s “the weather” been like?
Ever changing and powerful. I think the weather has been the biggest factor in making me feel small out here – in a good way. It’s powerful and when you’re out here, you’re vulnerable to its wishes. We don’t go in if it rains. People always ask “what happens if it rains?” And the answer is that you get wet. And if it’s windy, you probably get knocked over. And of course it’s been unbearably hot one day and frost warnings the next – typical.


What’s “hiking all day” been like?
It is strange that when we hit the “about two hours of hiking” mark everyday that I feel like I am almost done. Back home, if I did two hours of vigorous workout everyday, I was doing really well. Now that same amount of time is a cool down. Consequently, it was time to buy new clothes after about 200 miles contrary to what our diet would suggest. Some days I get bored of hiking and want to be finished early, but it’s not an option when you’re walking “home.” I fill my days with talking to Farasi about strange hypotheticals, singing random songs, snacking, talking to myself and processing different thoughts and praying. My body will be tired after a bigger day and I’m starting to resent my bag that is falling apart, but for the most part our bodies feel good.

What’s “hitch hiking” been like?
Really easy and not scary. People have been friendly and we hitch in hiker towns where people know we are hikers and know that more than likely we probably just need a ride a few miles into town to the post office or subway.


What’s “being girls” been like?
This question is worded funny, I know. But it’s definitely a boys’ club out here. Farasi and I met two other girls hiking together and we commented on the fact that we were excited to see each other even though we didn’t know each other because it’s strange to see girls on the trail. There are definite perks to being girls – easier hitches and more free stuff. But we’re also warned for our safety, questioned more and given more advice on “how to hike/camp” than boys are.

Did I miss any other FAQs?

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Comments 3

  • GRAN : Apr 20th

    THanks for all the INFO

  • Rashell : Apr 29th

    Y’all rock!!!! I”ll be doing my first section hike next weekend. 75 miles Damascus to Atkins vA. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I’m green with envy at ur thru hike. Praying for safe travels!

  • Fred : Apr 29th

    I wonder if hiking the AT is possible as a type 2 diabetic? Did you ever meet any ?


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