Who Am I and How Did I Get Here?
Hiker Intro
Hi Guys! I’m Collin Horne, an Aerospace Engineer from the deep south, and I’ll be thru hiking the Appalachian Trail in 2025! I love Jesus, ultrarunning, craft beer, airplanes, LOTR, and exploring the great outdoors!
I grew up spending lots of time outside with my family and boy scout troop and my love of being outside has just grown from there. In high school I discovered running and was immediately hooked. When I hit college I moved to an area with a lot more outdoor access (lots of nature preserves within city limits). Ever since I’ve been a big trails guy (Road=Boring). The above picture is from a KOM attempt (smiling through the pain) on a mountain in Georgia. I’ve also dabbled in orienteering (whenever I feel European).
My first thought when I’m exploring a new place is how far and to what cool things my feet can take me. Ever thought about how amazing and capable out bodies are? More thoughts on that in future posts. Despite all of this, I never seriously considered thru hiking, it just didn’t fit into the plan I had for life in college and after.
How I got here
My road to get here has been long and winding, but I’ll give you the cliff notes real quick to get you up to speed. There are 6 main reasons I’m thru hiking:
- I love being outside
- I want to explore more states
- Take a break from College/Career
- TAWG (Time alone with God)
- Tackle a new Challenge
- Gain Perspective
I want to be out in nature, Surprise! Seriously though, big factor.
Despite having been to many of the states through which the AT runs, I feel like there is a lot more to explore. Some I’ve been to, but wasn’t close to the mountains or the trail, others I’ve only driven through, and others I have yet to step foot in.
College was a grind for me, but it presented clear next steps in life for its duration. As I approached my graduation this winter, rapidly changing life circumstances majorly shifted my image of life after graduation. This left me pretty unhappy with the direction I was heading. My ambitions towards career goals were seriously dampened, so it made a lot of sense to step back temporarily and allow myself time to grapple with this. I hadn’t even considered thru hiking until I got to that point.
College also had the effect of making it difficult to set aside time to spend with God. Hoping to set aside time for this on the trail.
I’m a very challenge driven person, I enjoy zeroing in on a big goal and chasing it. My mind is gonna be on Mama K the whole time.
I’m excited to see life through different lenses, whether it be from the massive change in lifestyle that comes from hitting the trail or the people I meet along the way. This is also probably the thing I’m most excited to write about on the trail.
The plan
Start in: March
Start Location: Amicalola Falls
Hiking with: My friend Riley
Pace: 4 1/2 to 5 months
Fun: off the charts
Scenic poops: lose count
Coming up
Gear List!!!!
That’s pretty much all you need to know about me! If you follow along you’re sure to get random daily details, bad pictures of beautiful views, excited jabbering about the airplane that passed overhead, and the occasional philosophical ramble.
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Comments 9
Hi! I’m following you starting 12/26/2024, your DAY ONE!! Valerie Mundo Catiller
Praying for you and following your adventures.
Praying for safe travels Collin. Your church family loves you.
Never heard the TAWG acronym but I love it! Looking forward to reading about both your physical and spiritual journey!
Can’t wait to hear what the Lord will do throughout this new journey!
I love seeing Jesus represented on this site! I pray He leads you to delightful TAWG in His Word and His creation.
I’ll be looking for the start of your journey in a few months. Enjoy God’s Creation!
Chasing Angels or Fleeing demons, Go to the Mountains.
God First.
NPS Search and Rescue Ranger
Glacier National Park, MT.
We have a lot in common – and a couple things not – I look forward to following your adventure. Remember, “Alone, it’s just a journey. Now adventures, they must be shared.”