Williamstown, MA to Killington, VT
Day 93 (July 10th)
Only did a 14 mile Day out of Williamstown to the congdon shelter. None of us got a good nights sleep at the Willows Motel. In a room with four guys, window AC is not enough, so we just spent the rest of the morning messing around town until 10:30AM checkout. Resupplying and slowly packing up while eating continental breakfast.
Pork Chop, Lightning and I reached Vermont by lunchtime and ate on the border.
So far it has been one big swamp. The trail is either a river or ankle deep in mud. The AT follows the longtrail for the duration of Vermont and I hope it is as picturesque as people say.
Getting to this state is such a trip. Having never been here and the realization that I walked here is blowing my mind.
Day 95 (July 12)
Really great day of hiking. We left Lightning’s friend’s cabin around 10:30am and hit up Stratton mountain first thing. Beautiful view from the observation tower up top and got to see what we have to look forward to the next few days in VT. Even got to see a NH mountain. The Stratton pond is also a great place to go for a swim. Lightning, Miles, Pork Chop and I saw in the book that there was a burrito joint .5 miles off the trail at a crossing right at dinner time so that was our mission for the rest of the day. Took a spill about a mile from the road crossing and slammed my knee pretty hard. Pretty much just limped to the burrito stand. We made the decision to push all the way up to the top of Bromley mountain to sleep in the ski warming cabin. For some strange reason, there are only people I know and thru-hikers are up here. Tick Tock, High Aerobics, and Chimney are the only ones outside of the group I have been hiking with. Damn fine place to stay and watch the sunset.

Day 96 (July 13)
Did a 21.6 mile day to Greenwall shelter. The first half of the day was a little painful, probably because I was a bit dehydrated. There was a 7 mile stretch without any water from the top of Bromley to the next shelter. Everybody was stretching their water reserves from getting it at the shelter 3 miles before. By the time I got to the bottom of that hill, I filled up and drank 3 liters of water. Rest of the day was pretty flat with some small climbs. Had a chance to swim twice today in a river and lake. Actually made a hot lunch by the river and it was glorious. Cooking a knorr rice side in the bag actually works and no need for pot cleanup. The last 5 miles of the day were glorious. A pine forest that looked like middle earth and has been the prettiest thing in Vermont so far.
Day 97 (July 14th)
My body slept in an extra hour today. Was totally needed though due to some big climbs today. Hyerobics, Chimney, Miles and I all hit up a diner .5 from the trail. Qu’s Whistle Stop Cafe is a must go. Great breakfast all day along with charging stations. The two smaller and steeper climbs were much harder for me than the entire Killington climb. Got to the shelter up top as soon as it started to rain. Another lucky arrival for Miles and me. This place really reminds me of The Smokies. Lots of fog wafting through the shelter, bring with it the cold. The views are shit tonight because of the weather, but by morning it should clear up for a panoramic view from the summit.
Day 98 (July 15th)
Did a 10 mile day into Killington. The fog was still completely locked in so the view from the top was out of the question. A wet rock scramble did not sound appealing to not see anything.
So pushing down the mountain was my goal to get into town.
Got here. Food, laundry and Netflix is on the docket.
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