Wood’s Hole Hostel, Virginia
Many apologies, mainly to Zach for not writing much sooner and more regularly. I’ve been finding my feet and dealing with injuries along the way and so really blogging has been about the last thing in my list of priorities….anyway. I have my hiker legs pretty much now and also I have found the stretches that keep my injuries under control.
I’m at 619 miles and I’m having a zero day at the lovely Wood’s Hole Hostel just before Perisberg (sp?). Everyone’s chilling out on the lawn in the gorgeous sunshine, some are cracking walnuts, some picking vegetables, some others are just heading out on a slackpack. The dogs are chasing sticks up the slope. We just ate a beautifully made mixture of all sorts of breakfast foods. Delicious!
The past 3 days I hiked 20 each day so I’m pretty chuffed about that and my body dealt with it just fine, no doubt I’ll be making it to Maine ahead of everyone else…. ha yeah right, but feeling kinda confident that I’ll make it all the way and on time now! 🙂
Anyway I came out of Erwin after the Trail Days festival feeling better and more confident that I could cope with the problems my legs and feet were presenting me. I got some great tips from doctors, other hikers and doctor Google and now can keep more or less everything under control (except the beard) and do bigger miles.
I’ve been on trail a little over a week in Virginia and have covered about 160 miles in that time. That took me about 18 days at the start of the trail!
Virginia is flat and easy. It’s basically like walking through a field in the Netherlands. Really, there are actually no hills here. Not even any slopes, or rocks for that matter. Everything people said was true. I can even see Harper’s Ferry from here. It’s a bit misty but it is about 400 miles away so that’s understandable. The biggest hill I’ve seen is climbing from a stream onto the bank.
So, recently I’ve been enjoying near perfect weather and near perfect views and places to hike through. The Grayson Highlands with wild(ish) ponies was amazing. The 20 mile day in 8 hours into Partnership Shelter was also a huge highlight. Plus many more. Get out here and do it!
Will be updating the blog more regularly as of now as I’m spending less time on injuries and more time on the hike. Stay tuned!
Sorry for lack of photos, Wood’s Hole only has limited satellite space and I can’t upload anything.
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