Appalachian Trials at Trail Days 2014
This post comes from a coffee shop in Abingdon, VA after two days of sweating in the woods n’ mountains. The only “hygiene” I’ve practiced since has been a baby wipe rub-down minutes before entering the establishment. This information is in no way necessary to the subject of this update, but I felt compelled to share with you anyway. You’re welcome.
Now that we’re in the mood…
Are you heading to Trail Days this year? ZOMG me too!
I will be set up at booth #203 with fellow 2011 thru-hiker friend and super talented photographer Melissa “Click” Goodwin. Stop by, say hello, get a book signed, tell me a good joke, I’ll tell you a bad one, we’ll laugh, some of you may cry, maybe we’ll dance. You just can’t be too sure.
I will have a few books on hand to sell. Feel free to bring your own, I’ll scribble in it. If you say the codeword: “Jumanji Juice” I’ll draw a cartoon. Thru-hikers, be sure to stop by—Click wants to take pictures of your face. I promise it’s less creepy than it sounds.
And on Friday night at 8pm, I’ll be introducing fellow Appalachian Trials writer Kori Feener’s documentary Hard Way Home at the Rock School. It’s good. Come check it out.
Tell your friends. And enemies. See you soon.
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