Armadillos and Allergic Reactions
This morning I woke up at the room around 5am. Then got to fall back asleep until around 6:30am. I felt exhausted, but then remembered the 4 total Benadryl that I took between yesterday evening and night. That will do it! Once I got up and moving I felt good though. And my hives were definitely better. I still had a lot of bumps lingering, but they didn’t really hurt at all anymore.
All of us packed up at the room and got ready to roll. I did a bit of video work and then Fresh Ground drove us back down the road to return to trail. We had gotten off right at the edge of Clewiston. So I ran over to the side of the street to pick up where I left off and maintain my continuous footpath. Then Long Shot, Punisher, and I began walking.
The sky was filled with dark clouds looming over. Warning us of the bad weather forecast for the day. But what were we going to do, stay in the room all day? These miles won’t make themselves. Within the first 30 minutes of walking it began to drizzle lightly. Then it came down harder and we all put rain gear on. After a while it was raining pretty hard and we were walking through a fairly strong head wind.
I stayed nice and warm though in my montbell windstopper rain gear. After an hour or so of walking the rain began to let up too. My shorts had gotten pretty soaked because it was far too warm to wear rain pants. But I knew that they would dry out quickly only the rain subsides.
Once the weather rolled out it was smooth sailing for the remainder of the afternoon. We walked along the levee getting toward Lake Okeechobee area. We’re only about 50 miles out from the road where you can head into Okeechobee to resupply. Which we will probably do tomorrow at some point.
All of us walked together through the morning and early afternoon. Then our route took us off of the levee and out onto a road. We had to do a round about walk to get back to the levee in a different area. Which involved going up and over a highway bridge and then down the other side. Luckily there was a divider and a large walk way. We walked through the small town of Moore Haven and then continued along roads for a bit. Eventually returning to the levee and some dirt “trail” once again.
When we passed by a small covered bench we decided to stop off there for a break. We were already 15 miles in for the day and making great time. It will be easy to pull out about 30 miles today. Then tomorrow we will be able to get into Okeechobee in the early afternoon. Fresh Ground will probably meet us there for the final time! He has to head north soon to prepare to serve hikers on the Appalachian trail. But in time we will be up there as well.
As we sat I stretched briefly and rested my body. Which feels really good! I examined my bump covered legs which are clearly healing up. Though I still have well over 100 small marks from the allergic reaction. I guess I’ll never know what the cause was. But clearly it has passed and is not getting progressively better. I was never concerned for my safety. More than anything it was just irritating and uncomfortable.
We began walking again after a short break. With likely only around 15 miles to go for the day. Not too bad! It was only around noon, so it will be a fairly early day. The levee that we continued along was completely paved. So a bit less comfortable than the dirt track. But it wasn’t so bad. I watched birds swoop by near the water. Sometimes they would fly up and stop right in front of us. Then take flight as we got closer. And this happened over and over for a while. I passed the time listening to music and watching the scenery. The trail brought us right by a dump which was pretty gross smelling. But we got by that quickly.
As we walked the levee we saw an armadillo off by the water. That’s the first one of the season! Those are such strange little animals. Then we just continued along the paved path ahead of us. It stretched out in the distance as far as the eye could see. We will be passing by some campgrounds and small stores over the course of the day though which will help to break things up a bit. It’s great that we’re making good time and don’t need to feel rushed in slightest.
The next couple of hours of road walking were a bit boring to be honest. There just wasn’t a whole lot to see, but that’s ok! At one point we passed a few southbound section hikers which was cool! Then our route brought us right by another small town. We decided to walk through it so that we could stop off for a treat. Someone posted on Far Out that the Aruba RV resort sold $1 ice cream. The people there were super nice too. I got two ice cream bars and we sat inside on their couches.
When we were leaving there I began noticing that my hives were coming back. At this point I can only assume that it is contact dermatitis. That’s the only logical explanation. There must be some kind of pesticide or something present in this area which is affecting my skin through the air. Which is unfortunate! Today the hives didn’t get as tight or really burn as much as yesterday though. So at least there’s that. I’m hoping that as we get further into the woods and off the road over the next day or so, that it will resolve itself.

The hives came back and are much more present on the top of my left thigh than they ever were yesterday.
I lathered myself up in hydrocortisone cream which definitely helped. Then we continued road walking. While we were walking Long Shot decided to call one of the RV campgrounds that we would be walking past. Last year when he hiked through I guess he stayed at one. And apparently they are fairly cheap, and right along our route. We wound up reserving something that would end just about 30 miles for the day. Which was absolutely perfect.
I was glad to be able to shower again to help my skin. And over all just be able to be a little bit more comfortable. These hives are definitely not the end of the world. It could be a lot worse. But hiking miles like this is hard enough as it is. So I don’t need to be adding to it. Though these 30 mile days are visibly becoming easier already.
On our was to the Twin Palms Resort we stopped off at a general store. I got a couple of drinks there. Then we continued down the road. The surrounding area had actually been impacted by a tornado not too long ago. We passed lots of homes without roofs that had yet to be repaired. It’s so sad to see communities impacted like that. The resort was open though and they were very happy to have us come and stay. I’m sure it was hard dealing with repairs and being closed for a prolonged period of time.
We got there right around 5:30pm, which was nice an early for a 30 mile day. All of us have been joking that if we finish our big days early, then it’s like a nero! Somehow it honestly does feel like that.
When we got in I took a shower right away. Which did help. But the hives are just very excessive. Basically both of my thighs are completely covered. But other than that I only have maybe one or two on any other part of my skin which gets exposed during the day. The only other place I saw a few is on the backs of my hands.
After I showered I did some video editing for a while. Then some other writing and content work. It’s so nice to be able to take the extra time at the end of the day to do that. As well as be able to charge our electronics!
While at the room, Punisher called Fresh Ground to give him an update on where we wound up. He was planning to come up tomorrow to bring us into Okeechobee. But we all realized we have plenty of food to get to River Ranch. Which is the next stop along the trail. I remember it was an expensive place to resupply. They have a good selection though and it helps to avoid carrying an absurd amount of food.
After doing video work I used the stove to make hot water. Then ate one of the Bowl&Kettle dehydrated meals. I tried the crawfish étouffée, which was delicious. It even comes with a hot sauce packet. Everything rehydrated so nicely and tasted great. Those meals are clearly really high quality and you can taste it. I love trying something new!
Once I ate I went to lay down and do my stretching. I took more allergy medicine hoping that might help. Then applied more hydrocortisone cream. I’m just hoping that this whole issue resolves itself very soon. And that it doesn’t get much more uncomfortable than it already is.
After that I did a bit more work and then called it a night. Tomorrow we will be leaving here and doing about 17 miles to the end of our current map. Then will likely bypass Okeechobee all together and just head to River Ranch to resupply.
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Comments 8
Many plant rashes are not actually an allergic response, but a response to UV radiation. Id suggest wearing pants for a few days, see if that helps. Full spectrum Sunblock on the back of your hands too.
Hi. Peg leg, I just brought I Google, ” what causes hives on the Florida Trail?” Response was there is a lot of poison ivy on this trail more so than the PCT& AT combined and this can cause hives even from the bare roots in the water. It sounds like it takes a few days to get this rash, try cortisone or another poison ivy cream. You are doing great!!! On the trail busting big miles, keep it up. But , taking care of yourself is most important. TAZ
I was thinking poison ivy too. Just hope you can keep it at bay until you can talk to a pharmacist ❤️ Those meals sound delicious ❤️ Sleep well ❤️🩹
If you’ve been bitten by the Lone Star Tick, a blood test will confirm (or deny) Alpha-gal syndrome. Your rash reappeared after the ice cream treat. Please take this seriously.
LOVE following along with your career!!
Enjoyed this blog very much. Am also concerned with your rash and treatment. I would suggest getting to see a professional sooner than later. Nip this thing in the bud.
Good luck.
One of the best things I’ve tried when I’ve gotten into things like poison oak is to wash the area with laundry detergent. It helps to neutralize the oils. Good luck. You’re doing a great job.
If the rash continues, please stop by a clinic to get checked rather than just guessing what’s wrong or ways to help. Better safe than sorry. As other commentors have said, some rashes can be indicators of more serious problems. Also, if you are eating new foods or manufactures, it may be from them, even if you’ve had something similar before. Be careful out there.
It sounds like you are doing the right things to the rash! Keep up with the hydrocortisone cream. It could be a reaction to the pesticides, or possibly poison ivy. The Alpha-gal syndrome is a possibility. I’m really enjoying hearing all about your walk! You are being treated so well in Florida! Take care of yourself!