Well hey! I'm Andi, a traveler currently pit stopping in the Midwest. I'm a jogger, tea enthusiast, banjo listener, and in December, a recent college grad! My post-college plans are slightly deviated from the norm, as the AT is first on my list. Follow my wanderings and we'll most likely learn a few things together as I journey north to Katahdin.
Down, but Certainly NOT Out.
"Change of Plans" Out here, it seems that his phrase is a staple. Whether it be from an unexpected weather shift or the findings of an amazing
Hiker Talk: Trail Update #2
Food. Feet. Fun. Fotos I thought I'd break down what seems to be the common thru- hiker conversations/lingo that has been ever prevalent at
Developing those Hiker Legs: 1st Week on the AT
"Take it slow, hike your own hike (HYOH), wait till you get your Hiker legs..." The common conversations and affirmations I've heard this first week
My Ever-Evolving Gear List
Flashback three years ago when I just started learning about this concept of "thru-hiking". I remember sitting, at embarrassing unplanned hours, on
Why My Eyes are Set on Katahdin
It's done! C'est fini! Woop woop! A week ago I walked across the stage to receive my diploma, and ended something that I've been doing my whole
A New Kid on the Block..Hiker Intro!
Well hello fellow hiker enthusiasts! I thought I'd introduce myself a little for my first post. I go by Andi, and I am beyond ecstatic to be able to