Hi! My name is Annick, I'm a mountain enthusiast born and raised in a country below sea level. Hiking the PCT in '23 for charity. Thank you, United States, for letting me visit and hike your west coast mountain trail, and thank you, dear reader, for following me along for the hike.
Trail log: Week 1 on the PCT
Snowed in, parched, blistered, and above all, elated to be here. Walk with me through the first week on the PCT in March.
Mental Preparation: Why (and how come) I’m training for 2653 miles
Preparing for a thru-hike from the comfort of your own home? Sounds like a dream. But this post will mainly be an excuse to exchange reading lists.
Physical preparation: How I’m training for 2653 miles
A journey of a 1000 miles begins with a single step. And if that journey is actually a 2653 mile long trail, the first step might not be on that trail at all.
Introducing: A mountain-person from a mountain-less country
"Which do you prefer, the mountains or the seaside?” is one of those questions that I never get asked at home, because home is flat lands only. This is where a mountain-person's fascination with the PCT starts, and the time of just daydreaming ends.