Carol Fielding

Heyo! I’m Fortune Cookie. In late March of 2023 I began NOBO thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail. When I reached the summit of Katahdin, I checked the AT off my bucket list. The trail and her hikers taught me so much. Here's to learning, growing, and changing for the better. The day-jobs I left behind for six months were part-time newspaper reporter, weekly columnist, and part-time sales at an art gallery. When I returned to 'real life,' I became a full-time newspaper reporter. I'm currently writing a book about my thru-hike. When I’m not working, I enjoy hiking, beach glassing, chasing waterfalls and catching up on sleep.


New York Highs and Lows

New York Highs and Lows

Literally and figuratively, New York had plenty of ups and downs for me. When I was planning for my thru-hike, there were a few items on my “I can’t

Aug 9, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Rain, Rain, Go Away

Rain, Rain, Go Away

July was not kind to the northeast. Crossing from PA to NJ was a nice, sunny day, but that was the end of nice weather for a while. Awesome to

Aug 4, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Angels and Magic in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey

Angels and Magic in Maryland, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey

What about West Virginia? You might notice that I didn’t mention West Virginia in my trail magic chronicles. That’s because WV comprises only four

Aug 4, 2023 : Carol Fielding


The 240-ish miles of the Appalachian Trail in Pennsylvania are often maligned for the rocks. The crazy amount of ankle-rolling, shark-fin-tripping,

Jul 25, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Whoa! We’re Halfway There!

Whoa! We’re Halfway There!

You're welcome for that Bon Jovi ear worm. I've been singing it for days, following John Denver's Country Roads, Take Me Home as I traveled through

Jul 5, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Angels and Magic in Virginia

Angels and Magic in Virginia

Virginia makes up one-quarter of the entire Appalachian Trail with 544 miles. I admit that I was hoping for an overwhelming amount of trail magic

Jul 5, 2023 : Carol Fielding
The Sights and Sickness of the Last 300 Miles

The Sights and Sickness of the Last 300 Miles

Since the last update, I've spent some time off for various reasons, but I'm still trekking along. They say, "The last one to Katahdin wins," but I'm

Jun 16, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Zeros and Near-os: Taking a few days off from the AT

Zeros and Near-os: Taking a few days off from the AT

So, what is a near-o and a zero? I've taken a handful of near-os (short hiking day followed by a stay at a hostel or hotel then back on trail the

Jun 2, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Angels and Magic in North Carolina and Tennessee 

Angels and Magic in North Carolina and Tennessee 

I'm not sure anything will top the trail magic in Georgia (through which I gained five pounds), but North Carolina and Tennessee did not

May 19, 2023 : Carol Fielding
Three and Four Hundred Miles…and Counting

Three and Four Hundred Miles…and Counting

I managed to get through the Smokies ...and lived to tell about my night at Standing Bear (IYKYK). Leaving the Smokies I got a wake-up call to be

May 11, 2023 : Carol Fielding