Hey everyone, my name is Ray “OneFoot” Galli, I’m 50 years old and just finished a 20 year career in the CT Department of Corrections. An Appalachian Trail thru-hike has been on my mind for many years. Cheryl, my wife of nearly 30 years, and I have spent years talking about and planning for my walk for 2018. Now, it seems, my time has finally come! The kids are grown (though not fully independent quite yet), the house is sold and the career that supported my family well but never fulfilled me is soon to be in the past. I’ve always had a passion for hiking and backpacking and have done about 500 miles in sections on the AT. I grew up in Vermont and enjoyed a lot of time hunting, fishing, hiking and playing in the woods as a kid and teen. Time to start walking and see where this journey leads me. Cheryl and I will be blogging together; me from the trail, she from home in Connecticut…Oh, and my trail name comes from my frequent reminders to myself & others to just put one foot in front of the other – & see where the journey takes you. Cheryl's trail (angel) name is Should Be Good...for her response to nearly every adventure I suggest.