I'm Cole and I'll be starting my NOBO thru-hike on New Year's Day, January 1st @ Springer Mt. My passions include learning, teaching, physical challenge, the combination of the three being the biggest of them all.
Another New Year
"My name is Cole and I’m new to the world of thru-hiking." I wrote that a little over a year ago before I began my NoBo AT thru-hike on January
Dec 31, 2016 : Cole Farnum
Smokies to Damascus: Thoughts up to Mile 470
20% completed, 80% to be created.
Feb 17, 2016 : Cole Farnum
Springer to the Smokies: My First Month on the AT
200 miles in NoBo, I've found these themes being central in my mind.
Jan 27, 2016 : Cole Farnum
Staying Found pt. 2: Befriend Everyone on the Trail
Walking away from a transformative experience with a new friends and new tools.
Dec 28, 2015 : Cole Farnum
Staying Found pt. 1: Lost on the Lincoln Woods Trail
Lessons learned in my first shakeout hike in the White Mountains in preparation for my AT thru-hike.
Dec 20, 2015 : Cole Farnum
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