Hi, I’m Courtney! Normally you can find me exploring the mountains of East Tennessee, but in 2022 I hiked the Foothills Trail with my dad and dog, and in 2023 I hiked the Appalachian Trail with my boyfriend! (My dad and my dog Jake also started the AT with us. Jake made it about a quarter of the trail before he got hot and tired, my dad, NoName, put on rockets about 300 miles in and finished weeks before Erik and I.) Erik and I are the two thru hikers who don’t have trail names.
Trans Catalina Trail Day 3 – Birthday Sunshine
When Erik and I planned this vacation to hike the Trans Catalina Trail, we picked out these dates because they were six months after Erik had started
Trans Catalina Trail Day 2 – A Thru Hiker Proposal
When couples hike long trails together, there are different ideas of what ‘together’ means. For Erik and I, it means hiking almost every step
Trans Catalina Trail, Day 1 – Planes, Ubers, Ferries, and Golf Carts
Day 1: Avalon Visitors Center to Hermit Gulch Campsite When I did my Appalachian Trail thru-hike in 2023, the logistics of getting on and off of the
It’s Time for Another (Mini) Thru Hike!
Let’s Catch Up Hello! I thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2023 with my boyfriend, Erik. I wrote about it for the Trek (stories from all 204 days)
Last One to Katahdin Wins
Day 204: 4,180 ft ascent, 5.2 miles I struggle to put words to the emotions I felt waking up at the base of Katahdin at The Birches shelter. On one
The 96-Mile Wilderness
Day 198: 4,650 ft trail ascent, 20.5 (trail miles) The morning started with breakfast at 8 at Shaws. Erik got to meet our new hiking companion over
Maine Needs Bridges
Author’s Note: I finished my thru hike in October 2023. Enjoy my delayed update as I finish writing my story! Day 194: 1,600 ft ascent, 8.8
Can I Live at the Maine Roadhouse?
Author’s Note: I finished my thru-hike in October 2023. I don’t get points off for late homework anymore, so better late than never. I kept notes
Fall in Southern Maine Might Be My Favorite
Author’s Note: I finished my thru-hike in October 2023. Welcome to my very late trail update. I wrote myself daily notes along the way to remember
The Whites Have Their Last Laugh
Author’s note: A post about the AT in New Hampshire in May? Yep, welcome to the North out of season. I finished my thru-hike in October 2023. Life