Dave Michel
Trailname - Pitchit. Newly retired, went for a walk in the woods on the AT March 21, 2017 on a Supported Thru Hike with my wife, Tidbit. I'd sectioned about 60% of the AT; found out I'd done the easy parts! In 2009 I broke my ankle between Lafayette and Madison in the Whites; but the rest of NH and south Maine were harder! I made it 2070 miles when a stress fracture on my right, 3rd metatarsal sidelined me. Close. Will go back to finish the unfinished part in Maine in 2017.
Oh, My Aching PFoot!
Hiking with Plantar Fasciitis (PF) and almost making it Somewhere in Virginia I woke up with pain around my heels. I thought at first it might be
Gear Review – Snow Peak Ultra Light Umbrella
One of the rewards of a successful through hike I promised myself – the 800 mile Arizona Trail (AZT) in the spring of 2017. Desert sun! One of
A Shared Catastrophe
A family life guru once gave a lecture that encouraged families to camp together if they wanted to create lasting memories and have experiences that
Earning the Trail Name Pitchit
I’ve read blogs about hikers wondering what their trail name will be. Should you come with one as a pre-emptive name, so they are not named for
Before the Color Green
“The Green Tunnel” describes a lot of the AT. Views that allow one to see beyond the tunnel are rare enough to be noted maps. I’ve often expressed a
Fun, Fun, Fun
Listened to this old Beach Boys song on the trail yesterday, and thought of two “fun” quotes: First, from Jennifer Pharr Davis, who for years held
Nice Surprises Found in Final Prep
Made it to Unicoi Gap, mile 52.9, five days into the hike. Started March 21 with snow on Springer. Weather today was ideal! But I want to back up
Music To Move Myself Down The Trail
Since I’ve only ever hiked for two weeks running, not the 5+ months of the upcoming Supported Through Hike, and its always been with hiking buddies,
The Benefits and Drawbacks of a Supported Through Hike
In my last post I gave some reasons why I decided to do a supported through hike in 2016, with my wife following along and picking me up at the end
A 2016 Supported NOBO Through Hike – wait, “supported?”
And now for something completely different. My trail name is Pitchit (I’ll tell the story of how I earned that name later) and I’ve