Hi there! I am Debi. While toiling away in the corporate realm, I read an in flight magazine article about the Appalachian Trail and thought "someday". Many years, career and lifestyle changes later, I have decided that "someday" is now. Cooking has always been my passion and now it is my profession. Some would say I live a nomad life. I say I live a blessed life with the support of a great family and framily. Planning my 2016 thru hike has been a borderline obsession for over a year now- let's do this!
If not now, when?
Washed out before the starting line... I had been drafting this post in my head for a while, with my original intent being a "Holy crap, I'm doing
HYOH – Shakedown Edition
If you read my last post, you know that I was being a complete weenie about doing a shakedown hike. I won't get into all of my excuses again, but
Shakedown – why am I being a weenie?
No Fear? It is without fear or hesitation that I began planning my 2016 thru hike over a year ago. Questions of "You are going into the woods,
I see blazes…everywhere!
Blazes and obsession Since realizing sometime during the summer of 2014 that my thru hike (which has been on my "bucket list" for over 12 years)