Hi, I'm Dee (aka. OneSpeed). My husband and I are blissfully retired from California State Parks, where we spent the bulk of our careers at the beach. We have, for all practical purposes, traded in our swim fins and surfboards for backpacks and trekking poles. Since successfully completing the PCT in 2014, the draw for thru-hiking has not waned. And frankly, it's about damn time for another thru-hike. Bear in mind that Mother Nature and Mr. Murphy (of "Murphy's Law") tend to accompany us regularly, so we're accustomed to a bit of misadventure...from time to time. Join us as we travel along this adventure smorgasbord, that is the CDT, as we live our motto: "You can Wonder all your want, or you can Wander and find out." You can follow or peruse our other adventures at 2moremiles.com
CDT LASH – Highlights
A lot gets packed into 650 miles and 7 weeks spent on trail. You cover amazing terrain: Beautiful. Challenging. Treacherous. You meet amazing
How our Thru-hike became a LASH
We had every intention of thru-hiking the Continental Divide Trail (CDT) this season. Several of the hikers we met while on the CDT (Google &
The Winds Have It – Part Two
From our experience hiking in the Sierras, if you want a relatively snow free trail experience, it is generally better to not enter the Sierras
The Winds Have It – Part One
Best kept secret in the lower 48 hiking world? It would have to be Wyoming's Wind River Range. How did we not know about this magical place? Had we
The Great Divide Basin (Final Chapter)
One more day till we're out of the Basin. One more day till our resupply at South Pass City. Or so we thought! Sometimes You Gotta Bathe Ending a
The Great Divide Basin (Part Two)
Red Sky at Morning ..." Sailors take warning." Even though we aren't anywhere near the ocean, you didn't need to be a sailor to know that we were
The Great Divide Basin (Part One)
Starting in the "middle" of the CDT seemed like a great idea. Walking on what we thought was dry, "flat" terrain would be a great way to build our
Making It Work
We feel incredibly lucky to be able to piece together any kind of long distance hiking this season. In all probability, we will NOT be able to
Keeping the Dream Alive
When faced with a dilemma or possible life-threatening situation, you can do one of three things. Adapt (Change/Modify/Evolve) Migrate
Post (poned) Trail Depression
Not at all. Just a little. Somewhat. Moderately. Quite a lot. Very much. These are all scalable answers to online survey questions one can take to