Ed has hiked the the 2652+ mile Pacific Crest Trail, the 2160+ mile Appalachian Trail, the 270 mile Long Tail, across Scotland on the 73+ mile Great Glen Cycle Route, all 46 of the Adirondack High Peaks, the 78+ mile Rhode Island North/South Trail, and the Saranac Six. He is also a certified Leave No Trace Trainer. A former MATC Caretaker in the Piazza Rock/Saddleback area, he’s passionate about applying Leave No Trace as an ethical system. His latest journey was a two week loop of Mt. Rainier on the Wonderland Trail. He can be found somewhere on the Continental Divide Trail, a 3000+ mile walk from Mexico to Canada. Reports on his other travels, mostly in New England, are at http://edthesmokebeard.com
Top Ten Signs You Might be in Washington
If, one morning you're hiking in the cold fog along a ridgeline with no view, and/or it's September, you just might be in Washington. Consult this
Book Six, Chapter Two: The Shortest Distance Can’t be a Straight Line
It was a very hard to leave Trout Lake today. The sun was shining, there was a breeze, the weather was nice, and there was plenty of good food and
Book Six, Chapter One – Fire on the Mountain
Leaving Cascade Locks. Another Ent. "Ah, young Master Smokebeard. I'm glad you've come. Hooom." I spent $350 on food and postage for all of
Book Five, Chapter Three – Up to the Timberline
Aug. 12: Seven Miles Left Sisters at 4:30 and was hiking by 5. I accidentally packed out a roll of packing tape, which I discovered when I got to
Book Five, Chapter Two: Land of Lakes, Lakes of Lava
Last night I left Shelter Cove Resort after finally getting my UPS package. I made a pretty good pace uphill to the lake, despite having seven days
Book Five, Chapter One: Out of Ashland, into Ash Land
Taking 48 hours off in Ashland was a great idea. However, my feet already hurt again despite the rest and new shoes, but the half day today to a
Top Ten Signs You Might be in Oregon
One day you realize that not only is it August, but that you're actually in Oregon. If, like me, you stop and look up from watching your feet and
Book Four, Chapter Five – Oregon or Bust
Yes, I fixed my phone. It turns out that Android keeps a sort of index of all your pictures, separate from the pictures themselves. And this index
Book Four, Chapter Three – the halfway mark, geysers, and Hat Creek Rim
This will be another weird and slightly disjointed post. While the hotel I'm at has Wi-Fi, of course it sucks and so uploading pictures is a pain.
Book Four, Chapter Two – Just a short walk to Belden Town
Frying on the way out of Sierra City As those of you who follow my Instagram account (@edthesmokebeard) know, I am convinced that the 3000 ft, 8