emily sue

my name is emily and i am a future AT thru-hiker. i like the grateful dead, board games, and sandwiches. if all goes as planned, i will be hiking the AT NOBO in 2020. check here for posts about my inevitable changes in gear, shakedown and mini section hikes, and other miscellaneous ramblings of a beginner backpacker.


Planning a Section Hike of Massachusetts

Planning a Section Hike of Massachusetts

Hello to my three readers. (Hi, Mom!) I have something pretty exciting to announce. This late summer and early fall I am embarking on a section hike

Apr 12, 2018 : emily sue
A List of Thoughts RE: First (and second!) Backpacking Trips

A List of Thoughts RE: First (and second!) Backpacking Trips

I have been struggling to write this post. Every time I sit down to put some thoughts together, I end up scrapping the draft and pushing the idea of

Aug 21, 2017 : emily sue
My First Back Packing Trip – The Plan and the Gear

My First Back Packing Trip – The Plan and the Gear

WHO: I am going on this trip with some members of Boston's AMC chapter as a part of their Spring Hiking Program. There are 9 people in our group,

May 31, 2017 : emily sue
Equipment Testing a.k.a the Shakedown before the Shakedown

Equipment Testing a.k.a the Shakedown before the Shakedown

"Pull over!" "No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for asking!" It is fiiiiinally starting to feel like spring. During the past two months, in total New

May 16, 2017 : emily sue
Saying NO So You Can Say YES

Saying NO So You Can Say YES

Only Child Syndrome Selfishness is not exactly foreign to me. I was raised an only child and let's just say I have not yet completely grown out of

Apr 8, 2017 : emily sue
Future Thru Hiker: NOBO 2019

Future Thru Hiker: NOBO 2019

I'm going to start this blog off with one of my favorite quotes from my favorite author, Stephen King:“When asked, "How do you write?" I

Mar 28, 2017 : emily sue