my name is emily and i am a future AT thru-hiker. i like the grateful dead, board games, and sandwiches. if all goes as planned, i will be hiking the AT NOBO in 2020. check here for posts about my inevitable changes in gear, shakedown and mini section hikes, and other miscellaneous ramblings of a beginner backpacker.
Planning a Section Hike of Massachusetts
Hello to my three readers. (Hi, Mom!) I have something pretty exciting to announce. This late summer and early fall I am embarking on a section hike
A List of Thoughts RE: First (and second!) Backpacking Trips
I have been struggling to write this post. Every time I sit down to put some thoughts together, I end up scrapping the draft and pushing the idea of
My First Back Packing Trip – The Plan and the Gear
WHO: I am going on this trip with some members of Boston's AMC chapter as a part of their Spring Hiking Program. There are 9 people in our group,
Equipment Testing a.k.a the Shakedown before the Shakedown
"Pull over!" "No, it's a cardigan, but thanks for asking!" It is fiiiiinally starting to feel like spring. During the past two months, in total New
Saying NO So You Can Say YES
Only Child Syndrome Selfishness is not exactly foreign to me. I was raised an only child and let's just say I have not yet completely grown out of
Future Thru Hiker: NOBO 2019
I'm going to start this blog off with one of my favorite quotes from my favorite author, Stephen King:“When asked, "How do you write?" I