Eric was the name given to me at birth. Originally from the Great White North and raised in the Land of The Free you may hear me say "y'all" and "eh" in the same sentence. After spending years in New Hampshire's Whites and catching the essence of AT thru hikers I am happy to finally say that it is my year. Happy Trails! #AT2016
AT Tunes: Vol 1
Being a huge music fan I've decided to start building some playlists specifically for my upcoming AT Thru hike. Having hiked the Long Trail without
Mar 2, 2016 : Eric St Jean
AT Conversation Responses pt:1
A few responses I've gotten telling people of my upcoming AT adventure!
Feb 19, 2016 : Eric St Jean
The Whole Thing?!
How there is a lot more to doing the whole thing than one thinks
Jan 25, 2016 : Eric St Jean
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