Greetings! My name is Ethan, I am 23 years old from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I'll be meandering NOBO in March of 2016! If you wanna see all things from great humor/puns to plain griping, to my love of enchiladas and Jesus, then you've come to the greatest thing since free WiFi! This is the journey of me.
Almost to the Border!
Taken me awhile but finally I am posting on here! Currently I am in a bunk at Top of Georgia Hostel in
Answers To Your Questions
Every potential thru hiker gets asked a lot of questions when they announce they are gonna go do something as crazy as the AT!
Preparing For Launch
As of yesterday I am five weeks away from setting flight to the AT! Very exciting, invigorating, and quite scary all at the same time! I'm sure
Education or Elimination!
As many of us prepare for the A.T. in the next coming months, waiting idly by for the departure date to set foot on Springer or Katahdin. Days
Because who doesn’t want to go on an adventure?
Greetings all! First off, thank you for reading this and taking the time to look into my story! I really appreciate it! Please follow me for all my